Originally posted by shannonL:
Paul of Eugene,
You never really answered POB's question concerning evolution and hard science. You just showed a horse pic.
Shannon, he said not to use "quotes" and to use something that was "incontrovertable". What better than a picture? Besides, if horses used to have three toes and now have a single hoof with shin splints, doesn't that prove evolution?
As popular as evolution is and as widely accepted as it is it is still only accepted as a theory. You know this to be true.
Not in the realm of real science. In the realm of real science, evolution is known to have happened in the same sense that the earth is known to rotate. There is, in addition, a theory about how it happened. That is the theory of evolution.
OK now we have to do some caveates here. I know you think evolution never happened. You know I think it did. So when I say "evolution really happened", just translate into "He really thinks evolution happened" and when you say "no it didn't" I'll translate into "she things it really didn't".
Even if you think evolution is a stronger theory than the ID theory both are still a theory (for you their both a theory). Why do you defend so fiercely a postion that is only a theory?
I believe in ID - its part of my religious faith. Its not science, so it shouldn't be taught in science class.
Your comments above concerning inerrancy of Scripture tells me you really don't put alot of faith in the Scriptures. Therein lies your problem.
You are dead wrong about my relationship with the scriptures. I read them regularly, I teach from them, I trust them for information about God and Salvation. But, like you, if the scriptures say one thing literally and I know another thing to be the literal truth, I look for a non-literal interpretation . . . its just that simple.
You and I both believe the truth is the sun does not move around the earth and go into a chamber at the end of the day. Scripture says, literally, that it does.
We both do just the thing you claim to deplore - accept the scripture anyway, and take those passages non-literally. Why? Because we have to.
The difference between us is you have not yet studied, objectively, the science behind evolution and the age of the earth. Your prejudice against all the other sources of truth God has allowed us to uncover may keep you from doing that all your life, which will be too bad.
BTW, you can't seperate your science from your faith. That is as ludicrous as a politician claiming he can seperate his private life from his public life or views.
OK I'll try not to do that, in spite of all those who keep urging me to give up the science.
It is very evident you have a higher view of science than you do of Scripture.
How can you say one truth is "higher" than another? Truth is truth, wherever you find it! Some of it is merely interesting - say, like, the fact that butterfly wings use diffracted light to make colors. Other truth is life changing - such as Jesus Christ died for your sins. But its all truth, and all fits together in God's universe.
The men who have made scientific discoveries over the year were not inspired by God. The men who wrote the Scriptures were. BIG difference my friend. There is not one scientific discovery that can make that claim.
Now that's a weird thing for you to know. God Himself arranged for science to be successful, you know . . .
Dan 12:4 "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."
Prov 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.
I know you will deny it like most of your persuasion do but I highly doubt you believe in the virgin birth or other miracles of the Bible.
Stop and think about it. Why is it impossible for woman to be made from a man's rib but it is not impossible for the Savior to be born of a virgin. I don't think it is a problem but for you theistic evolutionists it seems it would have to be? If it isnt' please explain how you can believe in the one and not the other.
Please don't take up mind reading for a career, you are not very good at it. I certainly do believe in the the Virgin Birth and other miracles of the Bible. Why can't God have done miracles? The only real reason to believe in an old unverse and a common descent of life is the evidence for those things. Guess Who is in charge of leaving the evidence behind in the fossils, the genes, the stars, the rocks. Not you and not me. God left that evidence there.
Also, how can you believe that the Holy Spirit resides in us as believers if you don't even accept Gen. 1-11? You can't pick and choose. II Tim 3:16 says we can trust all Scripture.
Genesis 1 and 2 are clearly poetic narratives and it is not necessary to interpret them literally in order to interpret them as valid revelations of God as creator.
You old earth,evolution people hate it when your salvation is questioned yet your position is what brings on the criticism. It is only fair to ask when your position itself cast doubt on the authority of Scripture. I true follower of Christ would never put the Bible in a weaker place than that of science. [/QB]
yet you are doing so with this very post, because there is person after person out there who is looking at the disconnect between what you say about the history of life and the universe and what they know about the universe and the history of life. The more you say people must give up their knowledge to come to Jesus the more you invite people to turn away from Jesus.
Please, for the sake of the gospel, for the love of Jesus, please don't turn people away from Him by doing that.