Here in Southwest Virginia....
1. My Pentecostal Holiness pastor has a Masters Degree from Liberty
2. Many Baptist preachers hold degrees from Liberty
3. Many of all denominations and independents hold degrees from Liberty
4. I helped support a niece through Liberty, who latter went on to work at Virginia Tech
5. Liberty University represents the Moral Majority, a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party.
6. Liberty University represents Christianity on planet earth.
The name Liberty University is now associated with scandal, which takes from the luster of anyone associated with them or who holds a degree from there. I understand Liberty is now investigated their former leader.....
Liberty University announces probe of Jerry Falwell Jr.'s tenure amid scandal
All of which is serious stuff that the former president needs held accountable for. When I was associated with the GARBC (If I remember right) me and some buddies at youth camp took some boats out when we were supposed to be in chapel. A day did not go by until I was before the leadership giving an account of what happened and I had to put together an explanation good enough for them to believe I would not do that a second time.
Christ represents us in the heavens!
We represent Christ on the earth!
All of which is serious stuff!
1. My Pentecostal Holiness pastor has a Masters Degree from Liberty
2. Many Baptist preachers hold degrees from Liberty
3. Many of all denominations and independents hold degrees from Liberty
4. I helped support a niece through Liberty, who latter went on to work at Virginia Tech
5. Liberty University represents the Moral Majority, a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party.
6. Liberty University represents Christianity on planet earth.
The name Liberty University is now associated with scandal, which takes from the luster of anyone associated with them or who holds a degree from there. I understand Liberty is now investigated their former leader.....
Liberty University announces probe of Jerry Falwell Jr.'s tenure amid scandal
All of which is serious stuff that the former president needs held accountable for. When I was associated with the GARBC (If I remember right) me and some buddies at youth camp took some boats out when we were supposed to be in chapel. A day did not go by until I was before the leadership giving an account of what happened and I had to put together an explanation good enough for them to believe I would not do that a second time.
Christ represents us in the heavens!
We represent Christ on the earth!
All of which is serious stuff!