I agree....SW asked specifically about some of the history.
If you want to look at some interesting history, look at your own--American, Canadian, and British--the so-called "civilized" nations of the world. I can remember back to the 60's when almost every woman wore head coverings (hats) to church--both Catholics and Protestants. They did in the decades and the times preceding that as well. What happened? Unisex, Feminist Movement, Woman's Lib, etc. Now times are so wicked that in the downtown area of our city we have a "coed" bathroom where men and women use the same facility--same large room. It is an equal rights issue--something that would have been unheard of some years ago.
Now go to other nations of the world: the eastern nations, all the countries surrounding India, and those surrounding Israel. That is a vast area and a large number of countries. They all wear head coverings to their church services, and I am not talking about Muslims. The people of the time of Christ did as well. It has been that way from the time of Christ onward. It is only "us" so-called "civilized" people that have rebelled against God in this matter.
It probably started when women entered into the work force leaving their children and homes, during the Second World War, and got a taste of starting a career for themselves. That is my guess.
There is to be a head covering...agreed.What is the head covering is at issue.
it was not....a doily......it was Long hair....or an external covering that wrapped around all the hair.....
The head covering is translated "covering" or "veil" in every translation, and never, never hair. If it meant hair, Paul would have said hair, but he didn't.
When Paul says "long hair" it is in contrast to "long hair" on a man. It is a shame for a man to have long hair (vs. 14). But long hair is a woman's glory. There is a contrast there, and that is the only place where long hair is used. It is used in contrast to the shame that long hair is for a man to have. Thus you take "long hair" out of its context.
DHK...you for the second time have inserted the word---wear...
the text speaks of having the head covered, or uncovered..it does not say-wear...
The last time I checked I never saw a law in the Bible that the Holy Spirit was required to
consult with Icon as to what vocabulary he must use. The Holy Spirit of God is not required to use "wear" to satisfy you. Who says that you get to write the rules for how Paul expresses himself? Does he need to say "wear" just for you? There are other ways of expressing the same idea with using that exact word.
now if an external covering is in view....yes it would be worn...if it is LONG Hair it would be the covering.
It is not long hair. The context doesn't allow it. I have already shown you that.
A few years ago I held a funeral for a very godly woman who eventually died of cancer in her late 60's. She refused all chemotherapy, and for that reason never lost any of her hair. She got cancer when she was in her fifties. What was unique about this lady was that she had never cut her hair in her entire life. Also unique to this woman, was that her hair just barely reached her shoulders, if at all. By today's standard it would be considered short. By your standard she would have been cursed of God for not having long hair, had you not known her history. Obviously "long hair" was not the requirement. A veil, or head covering was.
The corollary is important as well—that a man remain with his head uncovered.
So every man should be bald! :laugh::laugh:
That would be the obvious contrast to "long." I doubt that you would preach that men should be bald in contrast to covered = "long hair" therefore "uncovered" means the other extreme.
This indicates that a woman shows that she takes her place in submission to the man, a principle taught from Genesis 3 onward. We find it also in Eph.5. Throughout the Scripture we find the principle of headship; that the man is the head of the house.
Yes, the head covering shows this perfectly. All women cannot have long hair. But it is a beautiful thing when she can. It is a glory to her. Remember that when women age, often their hair thins out, and not all women can keep it long. The Lord would not burden women with things they are not physically able to do.
The corollary is the same.
1 Corinthians 11:7 For man indeed ought not to have his head covered, being God's image and glory; but woman is man's glory.
--Or one may interpret this verse this way:
"ought not to have his "hair" covered."
If it is long hair in a woman, then it must refer to hair in a man. You don't fit the bill Icon. You don't have hair. If you translate hair for woman, then you must translate hair for the man. See your inconsistencies.
Or if you translate long hair perhaps it is baldness for men, and every other man is out. Either way "hair" for women doesn't fit the context, because a man must uncover his head in some manner. How does the man uncover his head? He takes his hat off!
he is getting to the church service...but he is speaking of prayer at this point...so if you hold to external covering it would be anytime during the day that a woman would pray. He gets to the church service down in 16,17,18
And your argument is?
BTW, you know I am a missionary, and in other countries I travel to women always carry a type of a scarf with them (usually draped around the neck). When in prayer (whether outside or inside the church), they cover their heads.
A careful reading does not say.....if a woman cover her head
it says if her head be covered, or uncovered do you see the difference?
No, I don't see the difference. I see you nit-picking at the vocabulary that the Holy Spirit of God chose to use, a vocabulary originally written in Greek, and then translated into English. It seems that you haven't even consulted other translations which may have more accurately translated this passage.
There is a head covering for a woman whenever she prays.Certainly in church should be prayer.
If there is a head covering that she should wear, then she should wear it.
The passage says more than that as I posted earlier from YLT.
14 doth not even nature itself teach you, that if a man indeed have long hair, a dishonour it is to him?
15 and a woman, if she have long hair, a glory it is to her, because the hair instead of a covering hath been given to her;
You are not addressing this part of verse 15......LONG hair is mentioned in 14 men should not have it....in 15 woman should have it.
This is where the battle is . Long hair for a woman....if her hair is short, she should put on an external covering.
In the same way...a man wearing a hat or external covering should remove it.A man should not have long hair.
You are simply ignoring context. This is one of six reasons why a woman should have a head covering. Why? Because nature teaches it. It is the natural thing to do. In nature we see that men naturally have short hair and women naturally have long hair. That is the context of these verses. That doesn't make them applicable to the entire 16 verses. It is only applicable here to these two verses. For example what does this comparison between the hair of men and women have to do with angels? Absolutely nothing!!
But women need to wear a head covering, a veil or hat of some kind because of the angels in heaven. That is a command of Scripture. Her hair won't do. The angels see hair on every woman on earth. They see long hair on more unsaved women than on saved women by the sheer volume of the unsaved in comparison to the saved. Your interpretation does not make sense.