As I watched with interest, numerous members of the Congressional Black Caucus, come to the microphone on Friday, raise their hands and utter the words, "Don't shoot!" I couldn't help but ask, do we have a Gongressional white Caucus, and the answer are "No!"
So why don't we have a Congressional White Caucus? Isn't about time we white folks have a caucus to refute what the CBC does? And while I'm at it, should there not also be a Congressional Asian Caucus? A Congressional Hispanic Caucus? And a Congressional Caucus for Minorities in Congress?
Unfortunately, white privilege keeps causing some of us to ask these same stupid questions. White privilege obviously affords us the luxury of not recognizing that 113 Congresses have been Congressional White Caucuses.
But we all know that this lil rant isn't about what white folks don't have because white folks have the majority of the representation in Congress. Every time such a silly question is asked remember that it is rooted in institutionalized, good ole boy, keep those black people in their place prejudice.
It's like they are challenging the slave masters. They are challenging the people in power by demanding that there be representation for their neighborhoods and the issues that affect them.
And institutionalized white privilege gets upset when its authority and position of power are challenged.
While I am speaking about why we, and other races don't have their own voices heard in Congress, I have to ask when the white folk and Asians and Hispanics are going to have their very own Asian Entertainment Awards? or a White Entertainment Television?
Yep, can't stand to have that white privilege challenged. It obviously helps us to ignore that tv has been White Entertainment TV since its advent. But that good ole boy mentality won't stand for anyone else to have what they've had because it cuts in on their privilege.
I have to wonder why the white women have not yet started their very own network on cable television that is designed specifically for white women, or Asian women, of Hispanic women, or for Pakastani women?
The only way anyone would wonder such a thing would be to ignore that once again white women have been all over network and cable television in starring roles while the only roles women of color were given were as maids and caretakers of somebody else's children.
Are these black only networks in some way disparaging or racially segregating television when it comes to having a channel or award designed specifically for the black woman?
You mean the way that every major network and cable tv channel has done for white people since their beginnings?
I know these other races can start their own networks designed for specific causes and genders, but if they did, would they or could they be seen as racial to the core?
Yes, white privilege is good for trying to pit minorities against one another. Nothing but a ploy to keep power because if the minorities are fighting each other, they won't bother much with the folks who really have the power and are controlling everything.
I was just wondering out loud, and I know that there has to be an audience out there for these unmentioned and under-utilized races and genders, but would they be welcomed by the leader of the black music awards, black women's channels, and black caucus without being called retaliatory racism?
What you need to do is spend some more time with Jesus as your prejudices are escaping the thin veil behind which you've attempted to hide them.