I'll make this plain and simple...
In short. Obama doesn't get it, because he was never there... and all of his book knowledge will never get him the experience of having been there. He may be book wise, but, he severely lacks the personal experience it takes to be a good Commander-in-Chief. And, it is this lack of personal experience and first-hand knowledge that keeps him from knowing the true "Price-of-Freedom."
Pastor Paul :type:
- He was NEVER in, the military! Riding in "Marine One" does not make him a Marine anymore than going into McDonald's makes him a Big Mac... "Semper Fi!"
- Obama has no idea of what it means to serve America as a warrior;
- He has no idea of what it means to have honor, and be loyal to the one who has your back in a fire-fight;
- He does not understand how the enemy thinks, because he has never been under fire with the possibility of injury, or, death staring him in the eye;
- He has never been a POW, and he doesn't understand what it means to be interrogated, or tortured for the honor of your Country;
- He does not know how badly the enemy wants him (as an American) dead, because he never faced a terrorist walking the Ivory Halls of Harvard, or the streets of Chicago (as a lawyer and community organizer);
- He does not understand how the patriots and common citizen's of this this nation chose to fight and die to be free from the tyranny of England; to salute the flag on the sandy beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima; and to watch the pride in Iraqi's when they cast their first vote for freedom;
- Obama never saw, in person, the crematorium's of Hitlers Third Reich;
- And, Obama did not know the fearful thoughts of those who survived, and those who died, in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and on the farm land of Pennsylvannia...
In short. Obama doesn't get it, because he was never there... and all of his book knowledge will never get him the experience of having been there. He may be book wise, but, he severely lacks the personal experience it takes to be a good Commander-in-Chief. And, it is this lack of personal experience and first-hand knowledge that keeps him from knowing the true "Price-of-Freedom."
Pastor Paul :type: