Indeed there are two "Christmases" in America:
Secular and Christian.
Actually the secular does have a positive aspect to it:
It has to do with the economy and also the opportunity to be a light in this world of darkness.
We are a capitalist and free-enterprise nation.
The secular and $$$ aspect of the secular celebration of "Christmas", whether we like it or not, approve of it or not, is a "shot in the arm" of our economy and will "prime-the-pump" for the coming secular/economic new year.
Secondly, it is an opportunity for us to talk about the advent of Jesus Christ (the Word made flesh) where folk are much more at ease about hearing it and not thinking of us as being overly aggressive or even "fanatical".
As an example, my wife and I are thinking about inviting some friends, a young muslim couple, over on Christmas Eve to have dinner (no pork of course) and explain why we celebrate the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (whom they believe is a prophet) in the way that we do.
Our Church has a Christmas pageant/program.
The local secular community (of which many are AWANA "unchurched" parents for instance) will be invited, and all will hear the Gospel.
As a Christian, my celebration is done in faith with perfect peace. Besides being a family event, I look forward every year to being able to help (in a special way) the needy of our community as well as those in need on a world-wide basis though the church or worldvision for instance.