Navigating at a pretty good speed, but one little problem has cropped up again.
When I open a new page, either directly or in a new window, it comes up with Andrews message, saying "Greetings unregistered." That's even though I have signed in already. I sign in on the new page and move on.
It doesn't happen all the time, but it happened this time.
Oops, I just tried to submit this post, and it came up with the message, "you are not logged in....(etc.).
It's now a couple of minutes later. I logged in and my post goes through. I wanted to add this info and the dialog box now asks me the reason for editing. So I typed in the reason.
Tom, are you clicking the little box that says "remember me" when you are signing on? That may be the problem.. click the little box.
OR.. maybe your privacy settings are setting your cookies too high... not allowing BB to put a cookie on your computer.. lower your settings until it works....