I've been watching the news accounts ...
Eight excellent points
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I've been watching the news accounts ...
And those most guilty of devalueing the lives of blacks are blacks themselves.
They kill, assault, beat, and rape each other in record numbers.
I've been watching the news accounts
1. The officer has the victim pulled over----and is at the driver side window asking questions of the victim
2. Officer is recorded by his own dash cam returning to his cruiser
3. While officer is gathering more information in his cruiser---the victim is seen opening the driver side door and exiting his vehicle
4. The officer requests that the victim return to his vehicle
5. The victim complies and returns
6. A short time later the victim is recorded by the officer's dash cam exiting his vehicle a second time and begins to flee on foot
The next videoed scene filmed by a passerby records the officer with his service weapon drawn and shooting the victim
1. 8 shots are fired
2. Unclear as to how many times victim was hit(highly doubtful he was actually HIT 8 times-----shots fired were not at point blank range and even as close as 15 feet distance---service weapon looses accuracy dramatically fast
I am interested in finding out what transpired between the time the cruiser's dash cam records the victim fleeing------and the time the passerby's video picks up the action-----something happened in that unspecified time period that caused the officer to realize his life was in danger and thus drawing his service weapon
I predict there is more to the story than the press is letting on----and at the most---the officer will be found 1. Guilty of conduct unbecoming and 2. Guilty of manslaughter
Humanity lost.This is drama at its best, and you know it because you are the very best at playing as if this board is your stage, and the world, your audience.
The world didn't lose. Humanity didn't lose. The bad guys, on all sides, are still the minority, and so long as the bad guys (thugs and cops and pervs and terrorists) remain a small minority, I do not see how you can prove that "humanity lost?"
Over stated just a wee bit, laddie?
8 shots rang out that punctuated the wickedness of the United States in 2015 to be of the same sort that pervaded this country during slavery and Jim Crow.
Come one Zaac .... this is an alarmist approach in this situation. It is race baiting and playing the race card to it's fullest, and it puts you right up there with the Reverends Wright, Jackson and All Sharpton!
So we all lost as the whole world got to the see the way that some, in a country that is always talking about human rights abuses in other countries, have marginalized and continue to devalue the lives of Blacks within its own borders.
Prove to me, Zaac, just how America has "marginalized and continue to devalue the lives of Blacks within its own borders?" Again, you are over stating and over reaching in order to make a point. We know that these incidents are only taking front stage because the media has a rule that says this about what they cover: "If it bleeds, it leads!" And in a week or two, this will be buried by some other bleeding/leading story!
I have many brothers in Africa, a predominately black nation, and I've discussed this with them, and none of them are any less impressed with America. They still see this nation as the best place to live and get an education and an opportunity to have a good life!
The situations in NY, Ferguson (now proven to be nothing more than a righteuos shoot) and now in SC, are aberrations, and in no way do they point to the Chicken Little saying, "the sky is falling; the sky is falling!" In fact, what is happening is not just happening to blacks.
Just yesterday, 10 Sheriff deputies beat a white man senseless following a chase. Last year to Hispanic cops beat and killed a white man in the city of Orange, CA (the man was a mentally ill transient).
Now if you want to proclaim that the police are getting out of control, that may be more in line with something to sound the alarm over, but to proclaim it is open season on black men by white cops? Well, that is still open for debate!
I grant you, it is deplorable, but only because it is happening to people of all color, not just blacks!
More foolishness coming from the mouths of folks trying to stereotype. Are Whites just as guilty of devaluing the lives of Whites? After all the rates of White on White crime aren't that much different than the rates of Black on Black crime. But you already knew that.
Statistics show that 90% of Blacks are killed by other Blacks. But which this. The same statistics show that 83% of Whites are killed by other Whites.
Legally, it's VERY relevant. Suppose he attacked the officer (unlikely) he would have committed a felony. And an officer is within his legal rights to shoot a fleeing felon.
Don't take this as condoning the action. But, legally, he'd be ok in that case.
All of your points are easily defeatable, but why bother? The real fact that blacks kill each other far more than any other race in the country means nothing to your ilk. So the slaughter will continue until black people decide to address the core problems. I don't look for that to happen any time soon.
The only person you're fooling with your phony numbers is yourself.
This is drama at its best, and you know it because you are the very best at playing as if this board is your stage, and the world, your audience.
The world didn't lose. Humanity didn't lose. The bad guys, on all sides, are still the minority, and so long as the bad guys (thugs and cops and pervs and terrorists) remain a small minority, I do not see how you can prove that "humanity lost?"
Over stated just a wee bit, laddie?
Come one Zaac .... this is an alarmist approach in this situation. It is race baiting and playing the race card to it's fullest, and it puts you right up there with the Reverends Wright, Jackson and All Sharpton!
Prove to me, Zaac, just how America has "marginalized and continue to devalue the lives of Blacks within its own borders?" Again, you are over stating and over reaching in order to make a point. We know that these incidents are only taking front stage because the media has a rule that says this about what they cover: "If it bleeds, it leads!" And in a week or two, this will be buried by some other bleeding/leading story!
I have many brothers in Africa, a predominately black nation, and I've discussed this with them, and none of them are any less impressed with America. They still see this nation as the best place to live and get an education and an opportunity to have a good life!
The situations in NY, Ferguson (now proven to be nothing more than a righteuos shoot) and now in SC, are aberrations, and in no way do they point to the Chicken Little saying, "the sky is falling; the sky is falling!" In fact, what is happening is not just happening to blacks.
Just yesterday, 10 Sheriff deputies beat a white man senseless following a chase. Last year to Hispanic cops beat and killed a white man in the city of Orange, CA (the man was a mentally ill transient).
Now if you want to proclaim that the police are getting out of control, that may be more in line with something to sound the alarm over, but to proclaim it is open season on black men by white cops? Well, that is still open for debate!
I grant you, it is deplorable, but only because it is happening to people of all color, not just blacks!
Justifying shooting a fleeing suspect in the back 8 times...shaking my head folks.
Ignorance of that caliber is stunning.
I can't begin to get my head around it. But then I remember that I don't have to.
There is a level of ugliness that grips the minds of people when it comes to the lives of black men. Their lives are devalued and thus there must ALWAYS, in the minds of most, be a justifiable reason for the police killing them even if they are unarmed, or handcuffed in the back seat of a patrol car or running away or playing in the park or shopping in WalMart or standing on the street.
Here's the part that points YOU out as a racist: most of us can't wrap our heads around a policeman shooting *anyone* in the back eight times.
There is no indication at all that race had anything to do with the shooting. Anyone that says so is making it up to justify their own racist agenda. IOW. They're just lying.
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Here's the part that points YOU out as a racist: most of us can't wrap our heads around a policeman shooting *anyone* in the back eight times.
I have yet to call anyone on this board a racist but you're calling me one. Too funny.
Nothing I have said is racist. And look closely. I didn't make the comment about shooting someone in the back 8 times. Nor did I make a comment about not being able to get my head around ANYONE, black or white, shooting anyone in the back any number of times. SO stop the fairy tales.
Part of the problem with some of you is that you don't listen and you certainly don't read. Some of you have got your minds made up that anyone who challenges your POV about race has got to be the very thing that you lambast Blacks for saying Whites are.
And for the record, my comment was to the ignorance of trying to JUSTIFY it as preachingjesus spoke to.
So check yourself.:thumbs:
Justifying shooting a fleeing suspect in the back 8 times...shaking my head folks. ...
I have yet to call anyone on this board a racist but you're calling me one. Too funny.
And the real fact that Whites kill each other at just about the same rate means nothing to you because it's imperative to your little make you feel better about yourself fantasy that helps you believe that you're better than Blacks because of the color of your skin.![]()
So stop trying to use a lie to cover your own inadequacies.
Take it up with the FBI. http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/uc...f_vicitm_by_race_and_sex_of_offender_2013.xls
So once again your lie is exposed for what it is. So let the whole board question just why it is that you need for Black people to be so much more violent than white people?