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Why The RCC Is A Cult

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Sadly, I am not surprised. The "so-called Church" of Rome has evolved into a carnal perversion of the Church that Jesus Christ established. Just as I wonder why God allows heresies like the Word of Faith movement to deceive people I wonder why he has tolerated the Roman perversion of the Gospel.

I said earlier that historian Schaff was prophetic when he said [Volume 2, page 73, Schaff's History of the Christian Church]:
With Constantine, therefore, the last of the heathen, the first of the Christian, emperors, a new period begins. The church ascends the throne of the Caesars under the banner of the once despised, now honored and triumphant cross, and gives new vigor and lustre to the hoary empire of Rome.

Of course the remarks made by Schaff in the 19th Century were not prophetic but I believe the statement itself is prophetic of the fatal error of a segment of the early Church.



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Any so-called minister who abuses his position has dirty hands and worse.

However, it is a fact that those of Rome covered up the perversion of many of its priests until a sufficient number of adults who had been sexually abused as children came forward. Who knows what went on in the years since the hierarchy of Rome decreed an unmarried priesthood.


It is ALSO a FACT that Baptist are just as guilty of covering up the perversion of their ministers. Who knows what has gone on behind closed doors during youth group, youth camps, etc. The Baptist church in which I grew up was guilty of covering up children being molested by the pastor. It is STILL trying to cover it up although the pastor was finally charged and convicted. When people like you and anti-Catholic bigots like Rand (Iconbusters) point fingers, just remember you have four pointed back at yourself. Maybe you missed the link to Baptist cover-ups?



Well-Known Member
It is ALSO a FACT that Baptist are just as guilty of covering up the perversion of their ministers. Who knows what has gone on behind closed doors during youth group, youth camps, etc. The Baptist church in which I grew up was guilty of covering up children being molested by the pastor. It is STILL trying to cover it up although the pastor was finally charged and convicted. When people like you and anti-Catholic bigots like Rand (Iconbusters) point fingers, just remember you have four pointed back at yourself. Maybe you missed the link to Baptist cover-ups?


I am familiar with Baptist coverups. The presence of pedophiles in the ministry is certainly not limited to the Cultic Church of Rome. Sadly, that is not the only problem with that organization. I don't know whether it was deliberate or providential when Schaff made the statement:
The church ascends the throne of the Caesars under the banner of the once despised, now honored and triumphant cross, and gives new vigor and lustre to the hoary empire of Rome.
but it is correct.

The Roman Empire, though pagan in its religion, collapsed because of internal corruption. I believe that collapse was the the fulfillment of prophecy recorded in the Book of Daniel. The Church of Rome in a similar fashion evolved into an organization that in no way resembles the Church for which Jesus Christ died.

This parade of doctrinal errors started with the heretical claim that the Bishop of Rome was the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth and Rome has been on the downhill slide ever sense. Perhaps one major reason for the slide of the Church of Rome into cult status is their use of forced conversions, much the same as the practice of Islam!

Just to refresh your memory:

Overview of Roman Catholicism

Timeline of Roman Catholicism

The long-held claim by Roman Catholicism that it was the only unchangeable church is not supported by church history – not even Roman Catholic history. How sad to realize that this false claim influenced so many to join or to stay in this false church, which actually is the product of centuries of changes. Most of these changes resulted from the Roman Catholic church's yielding to heathen customs and practices that were subsequently incorporated into Roman Catholic teachings and worship. The following is a partial list of heathen, unscriptural practices that became a part of Roman Catholic dogma over a period of seventeen centuries. Some of the dates given are approximate. In many cases, these heresies were even debated for years before being given the status of required beliefs:

Prayers for the dead – 300 AD

Making the sign of the cross – 300 AD

Veneration of angels & dead saints – 375 A.D.

Use of images in worship – 375 A D.

The Mass as a daily celebration – 394 AD

Beginning of the exaltation of Mary; the term, "Mother of God" applied at Council of Ephesus – 431 AD.

Extreme Unction (Last Rites) – 526 AD

Doctrine of Purgatory (Gregory I) – 593 AD

Prayers to Mary & dead saints – 600 AD

Worship of cross, images & relics – 786 AD

Canonization of dead saints – 995 AD

Celibacy of priesthood – 1079 AD

The Rosary – 1090 AD

Indulgences – 1190 AD

Transubstantiation (Innocent III) – 1215 AD

Auricular Confession of sins to a priest – 1215 AD

Adoration of the wafer (Host) – 1220 AD

Cup forbidden to the people at communion – 1414 AD

Purgatory proclaimed as a dogma – 1439 AD

The doctrine of the Seven Sacraments confirmed – 1439 AD

Tradition declared of equal authority with Bible by Council of Trent – 1545 AD

Denied every doctrine of the Reformation, from Sola Scriptura to "salvation by grace through faith alone";

Pronounced 125 anathemas (eternal damnation) upon anyone believing what evangelicals believe and preach today. Here is a sampling:

If any one shall deny that the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore entire Christ, are truly, really, and substantially contained in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist; and shall say that He is only in it as a sign, or in a figure, or virtually – let him be accursed (Canon 1).

If any one shall say that the substance of the bread and wine remains in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, together with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and shall deny that wonderful and singular conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the body, and of the whole substance of the wine into the blood, the outward forms of the bread and wine still remaining, which conversion the Catholic Church most aptly calls transubstantiation – let him be accursed (Canon 2).

If any man shall say that Christ, the only begotten Son of God, is not to be adored in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist, even with the open worship of latria, and therefore not to be venerated with any peculiar festal celebrity, nor to be solemnly carried about in processions according to the praiseworthy, and universal rites and customs of the holy Church, and that he is not to be publicly set before the people to be adored, and that his adorers are idolaters – let him be accursed (Canon 6).

If anyone shall say that the ungodly man is justified by faith only so as to understand that nothing else is required that may cooperate to obtain the grace of justification, and that it is in no wise necessary for him to be prepared and disposed by the motion of his own will ... let him be accursed (Canon 9).

If anyone shall say that justifying faith is nothing else than confidence in the divine mercy pardoning sins for Christ's sake, or that it is that confidence alone by which we are justified ... let him be accursed (Canon 12).

Equal value and authority of tradition and Scripture (in actuality, tradition is held above Scripture);

Scriptures for the priesthood only (prohibited to anyone in the laity without written permission from one's superior -- to violate this was [and still is in most "Catholic countries" today] considered a mortal sin);

Seven sacraments;

Communion by eating the bread only (not drinking the wine);



The Mass as a propitiatory offering.​

Apocryphal books added to Bible – 1546 AD

Immaculate Conception of Mary – 1854 AD

Vatican Council I – 1870 AD

Defined the infallibility of the pope in matters of faith and morals

Confirmed Unum Sanctum (no salvation outside of the Catholic Church).

Assumption of the Virgin Mary (bodily ascension into heaven shortly after her death) – 1950 AD​

Vatican Council II – 1965 AD

Vatican II made no new doctrines, nor did it change or repudiate any old ones; Trent and Vatican I stand as is (Vatican II verified and validated all the anathemas of Trent). Vatican II reaffirmed such Roman heresies as papal supremacy; the Roman priesthood; the mass as an unbloody sacrifice of Christ; a polluted sacramental gospel; Catholic tradition on equal par with Scripture; Mary as the Queen of Heaven and co-Redemptrix with Christ; auricular confession; Mariolatry; pilgrimages to "holy shrines"; purgatory; prayers to and for the dead; etc.

Mary proclaimed Mother of the RC church.

Reaffirmed the infallibility of the pope (and even when he does not speak ex-cathedra, all RC's must still give complete submission of mind and will to what he says).

Divided RC doctrine into that which is essential core of theology, and must be received by faith, and that which is still an undefined body of theology which RC's may question and debate without repudiating their essential core.

Established 20 complex rules concerning when and how any indulgence may be obtained, and condemned "with anathema those who say that indulgences are useless or that the Church does not have the power to grant them ... [for] the task of winning salvation."




Why it is a cult:
As a Catholic I prayed this "confession" numerous times:
CONFITEOR Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Ioanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, et omnibus Sanctis, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Ioannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, et omnes Sanctos, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum. Amen.
If you know the translation, you would know why it is a cult.


Well-Known Member
Why it is a cult:
As a Catholic I prayed this "confession" numerous times:

CONFITEOR Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Ioanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, et omnibus Sanctis, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Ioannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, et omnes Sanctos, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum. Amen.

If you know the translation, you would know why it is a cult.

Is this the translation?

I confess to Almighty God, to Blessed Mary ever Virgin, to Blessed Michael the Archangel, to Blessed John the Baptist, to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to all the angels and saints, and to you, brethren, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, deed: (here he strikes his breast three times) through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault, and I ask Blessed Mary ever Virgin, Blessed Michael the Archangel, Blessed John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the Angels and you, brethren, to pray to the Lord our God for me.



Is this the translation?


You got it!

Note a couple of things here.
First, blasphemy is defined as that which is insulting to God. I believe that such a prayer to others, and not to the Lord is an insult to our Lord, and therefore blasphemy.

Second, prayer/and or worship to any other but God is idolatry by definition. It takes away the worship and adoration that is due only to God.

Therefore this prayer is both blasphemous and idolatrous. We must define words as the dictionary defines them and as the Bible defines them, not as the RCC spins them.
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Well-Known Member
You got it!

Note a couple of things here.
First, blasphemy is defined as that which is insulting to God. I believe that such a prayer to others, and not to the Lord is an insult to our Lord, and therefore blasphemy.

Second, prayer/and or worship to any other but God is idolatry by definition. It takes away the worship and adoration that is due only to God.

Therefore this prayer is both blasphemous and idolatrous. We must define words as the dictionary defines them and as the Bible defines them, not as the RCC spins them.

I agree! I can understand why someone raised RC, or someone who had no schooling in the Christian faith, would accept that stuff. What I cannot understand is someone raised in a evangelical Church accepting that stuff but they do!

It seems to me that the concept of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is foreign to Roman Catholicism and I believe is the intent and desire of the priesthood and hierarchy of that body. But to me that personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the essence of Salvation and the Christian Faith. Dr. Bob has a signature which expresses this well: Jesus Knows me, This I Love!


Bro. James

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Duped and Re-duped

Being raised an evangelical whatever does not mean one is born again. See John Ch. 3 and the dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus.

We live in an age of repeat after me salvation. The religious ranks are overrun by the unregenerated leading the unregenerated. Many so called churches have become LLC's staffed by hirelings.

As far as a real Baptist changing camps--not likely--such people have never been set free by the Real Gospel. They are poorly led or misled--duped by the master of dupe. Such a mindset shows up at the Watchtower and LDS, in addition to Rome.

God is not the author of confusion--He knows them that are His.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Bro. James
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New Zealand was a land of free settlers, there was a determination NOT to be full of Roman Catholics. My father's family emigrated from Scotland to the South Island was Presbyterian. There were some Catholic migration, I just look up the river to Jerusalem where Mother Aubert worked.
NZ has just celebrated 150 years of Christianity.

I am quite happy to belong to the RC cult, as the cult leader is Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ of RCC is virtually Lucifer.


RCC serves the nominal God in the same method of the idolatorious Israel in Exodus 32:5.



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There are a few Catholics on here that I would like to hear from about idolatry.

When I watch the news and see a segment on the Pope driving down a street or something and you see thousands lining the streets and trying to kiss his hand and such, as a Christian it turns my stomach.

Do the Catholics here on the BB find it repulsive as well?

As a Catholic, would you act like that? If so, why?


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. The hand kissing thing is actually a kiss to a ring which is a symbol of his office, the same applies to all clergy. In doing so, the person is honouring the office rather than the man . The office is holy, even though the man is flawed as you or I.

I am not a fan of the pope, but I do honour his office. I do the same for the bishop, but as I am pretty arthritic, I stand and kiss the ring, not much point in herniating the man if he had to haul me up eh!

The Biblicist

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. The hand kissing thing is actually a kiss to a ring which is a symbol of his office, the same applies to all clergy. In doing so, the person is honouring the office rather than the man . The office is holy, even though the man is flawed as you or I.

I am not a fan of the pope, but I do honour his office. I do the same for the bishop, but as I am pretty arthritic, I stand and kiss the ring, not much point in herniating the man if he had to haul me up eh!

The "kiss"is a symbol of complete submission and you know it. The pope demanded that kings kneel before him and kiss him (feet, ring, hand, etc.) to show absolute submission to his authority. History is full of examples of this act of submission by kings to popes. It is a claim of ULTIMATE AUTHORITY over the kings and kingdoms of this earth.

To honor him is to honor Satan and that is precisely what you are guilty of - honoring Satan when you claim to honor a Satanic invented office! Find any office in the New Testament called "Pope"! Find any "cardinals" in the New Testament! These are symbols and offices of the Great Whore Babylon mystery religion.


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. The hand kissing thing is actually a kiss to a ring which is a symbol of his office, the same applies to all clergy. In doing so, the person is honouring the office rather than the man . The office is holy, even though the man is flawed as you or I.

Well no, that isn't what we see going on here. We see people trying to touch him or be touched by him as though he has some sort of God power. It isn't a calm, formal bow or kiss thing, it is like an obsession to be near the man or touch or be touched. Thousands standing outside, even in bad weather conditions just to catch a glimps of him driving by. That isn't just an honoring type thing going on here. I find it as sickening as groupies screaming and crying over singers.


Active Member
. The hand kissing thing is actually a kiss to a ring which is a symbol of his office, the same applies to all clergy. In doing so, the person is honouring the office rather than the man . The office is holy, even though the man is flawed as you or I.

I am not a fan of the pope, but I do honour his office. I do the same for the bishop, but as I am pretty arthritic, I stand and kiss the ring, not much point in herniating the man if he had to haul me up eh!

The office of any clergy is no holier than the status of any layman. If you kiss the pastor's hand, you should also kiss the custodian's hand. This idea of rank and reverence for rank in Christianity is foreign to the spirit of Christ.


. The hand kissing thing is actually a kiss to a ring which is a symbol of his office, the same applies to all clergy. In doing so, the person is honouring the office rather than the man . The office is holy, even though the man is flawed as you or I.

I am not a fan of the pope, but I do honour his office. I do the same for the bishop, but as I am pretty arthritic, I stand and kiss the ring, not much point in herniating the man if he had to haul me up eh!

Act 14:11-15
(11) And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men.
(12) And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.
(13) Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.
(14) Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes
, and ran in among the people, crying out,
(15) And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein:
--Paul was in Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia when this happened. The occasion was that he healed an impotent man of Lystra. The residents declared them to be gods, and even named them after their gods saying that their gods had come down to them.

They received a sharp rebuke, just as the Pope should receive a sharp rebuke.
We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God.
The Pope needs to turn or repent of these vanities and stop the idolatry if he were to follow the Bible.


Active Member
Well no, that isn't what we see going on here. We see people trying to touch him or be touched by him as though he has some sort of God power. It isn't a calm, formal bow or kiss thing, it is like an obsession to be near the man or touch or be touched. Thousands standing outside, even in bad weather conditions just to catch a glimps of him driving by. That isn't just an honoring type thing going on here. I find it as sickening as groupies screaming and crying over singers.
I think you just drew a valid comparison. Those over 60 can remember the hysteria wherever Elvis Presley could be found. Five years later it was the same with the Beatles. And it's not just entertainers. Many of the Royals get the same treatment. The President of the United States also draws a pretty good crowd wanting to touch him wherever he goes. So why should it be any different for a man who is regarded as the Vicar of Christ by more than 1.2 billion people?


Active Member
The office of any clergy is no holier than the status of any layman. If you kiss the pastor's hand, you should also kiss the custodian's hand. This idea of rank and reverence for rank in Christianity is foreign to the spirit of Christ.
Are you sure about that? Do you regard ordination as nothing more than a pat on the head? Read 1 Timothy 4:14.


Active Member
Are you sure about that? Do you regard ordination as nothing more than a pat on the head? Read 1 Timothy 4:14.

Didn't say that. But you know that there seems to be a tendency for humans to engage in pride and self-glorification, even in the area of religion. Jesus knew that and spoke against it. The only one who should be revered is God Himself.
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