The Left often says that Trump is just like Hitler. I’ve thought about this and I don’t think it is true. I have listed twenty reasons why Trump is no Hitler.
1. Hitler could, and did, write a book. It was a bestseller.
2. Hitler had a great relationship with his cabinet and military leaders and purged them less often than Trump.
3. Hitler would never build a border wall with neighboring countries, like say, Poland.
4. Hitler had fewer rallies than Trump.
5. Hitler got along with the national press and didn’t denigrate reporters. For those of you that read, “denigrate” means “to put down”.
6. Hitler respected and followed instructions from his personal physician, no matter how unconventional. For example, if Hitler’s doctor ordered him to wear a mask during a deadly pandemic, Hitler would have done it.
7. Unlike Trump, Hitler would not wink at nor use coded words to signal hate groups.
8. Trump talks about rebuilding the military, but really, is there any comparison to the job Hitler did in this area?
9. Hitler drained his swamp.
10. Hitler didn’t merely cozy up to dictators, he signed treaties with them.
11. Hitler was able to work with his legislature to get things done, like the Enabling Act of 1933.
12. Hitler didn’t import his wife from another country.
13. While Trump ingratiates himself to evangelicals to advance his power (while mocking them), Hitler was openly antagonistic to the church.
14. Hitler was able to unify his political party and make it the dominant force in Germany.
15. Hitler wasn’t divorced multiple times.
16. Hitler really expanded the economy. It grew so fast and so big it was as if he added a couple of other countries to Germany’s gross domestic product.
17. Unlike Trump, Hitler didn’t enter politics on a lark and/or to enrich his business holdings.
18. When Hitler’s taxes got audited, he “negotiated” a unique tax-exempt status as Chancellor for himself.
19. Hitler was admired by youth, so much so that he started a special club just for them.
20. Trump is an accomplished liar. Hitler? Umm….
Both Hitler and Trump promised to make their country great again. By any objective measure—rebuilding the military, expanding the economy, controlling immigration, shredding unfavorable treaties, consolidating power—Hitler was much more successful. The left is wrong, Trump is no Hitler, he’s more like a Hitler wannabe.