Hi to all , and this position , that there is such a thing as Universal Reconciliation can easily be proven wrong .
There are some who say #1 , that ALL l will be eventually saved , Like PURGATORY .
#2 , AND some also say that fallen angels and Lucifer will also be saved !
Some like to quote Col 1:20 , " and by Him to reconcile ALL THINGS to , Himself , by Him , whether things on Earth or thingd in Heaven , having made peace through the blood of His cross .
There are 45 verses where Paul uses nthis pharse " all things " .
The Key verse is TA PANTA and a proper understanding will keep all from this Heresy , that all will be saved .
If all will be saved , why preach , witness , give to the church , give to missionaries and etc , etc .
" ALL THINGS " which is the Greek word PANTA , is NOT in the Greek text .
Rather , it is TA PANTA which means " the all things " SPECIFIC THINGS , and that is in the Greek text . It is thses things that are going to be reconciled to to the Lord Jesus Christ .
So , in Col 1:20 , it is the Body of Christ that is MEANT by " the all things"
, those members who have died and are in heaven , as well as those who are still alive on earth .
Christ came in human flesh to die for the human race not born as an angel to save fallen angels .
For those that do not understand the Greek Article can google and see for yoursleves how important it is .
There are some who say #1 , that ALL l will be eventually saved , Like PURGATORY .
#2 , AND some also say that fallen angels and Lucifer will also be saved !
Some like to quote Col 1:20 , " and by Him to reconcile ALL THINGS to , Himself , by Him , whether things on Earth or thingd in Heaven , having made peace through the blood of His cross .
There are 45 verses where Paul uses nthis pharse " all things " .
The Key verse is TA PANTA and a proper understanding will keep all from this Heresy , that all will be saved .
If all will be saved , why preach , witness , give to the church , give to missionaries and etc , etc .
" ALL THINGS " which is the Greek word PANTA , is NOT in the Greek text .
Rather , it is TA PANTA which means " the all things " SPECIFIC THINGS , and that is in the Greek text . It is thses things that are going to be reconciled to to the Lord Jesus Christ .
So , in Col 1:20 , it is the Body of Christ that is MEANT by " the all things"
, those members who have died and are in heaven , as well as those who are still alive on earth .
Christ came in human flesh to die for the human race not born as an angel to save fallen angels .
For those that do not understand the Greek Article can google and see for yoursleves how important it is .