Something I was discussing with my youth on Wednesday night...
Why was Eve not at all creeped out or bothered that a serpent spoke to her? Do you think that maybe he had been speaking to several times before this (but not recorded in Scripture), so to set up a "long con," so to speak?
Did other animals speak? Granted this is not as dogmatic or serious a discussion as some of the others on this forum. But we enjoyed discussing this Wednesday night in our study of the Fall. What do you think?
Why was Eve not at all creeped out or bothered that a serpent spoke to her? Do you think that maybe he had been speaking to several times before this (but not recorded in Scripture), so to set up a "long con," so to speak?
Did other animals speak? Granted this is not as dogmatic or serious a discussion as some of the others on this forum. But we enjoyed discussing this Wednesday night in our study of the Fall. What do you think?