I doubt if anyone who's read my posts will accuse me of being KJVO, but let's stick to the FACTS when denouncing that doctrine. Doc Cas covered a lotta them, but as for KJ himself, he fathered SEVEN children, hardly something a HS would do.
The HS rumor was started by a man named Anthony Weldon, who'd been kicked outta KJ's court for his constant & consistent criticism of the Scottish people. Weldon had sworn revenge, and he allegedly wrote a paper called The Court and Character of King James 1 in which the HS allegation was made. This paper was not credited to Weldon until 1650, two years after Weldon's death, 25 years after KJ's death. One must remember that in 1649, the second English Civil War ended with the defeat of the Royalists under Charles 1, KJ's son, who was not exactly popular with many people at that time, and, with Oliver Cromwell in power, denunciation of the royal family was common. Thus, the writings citing KJ as a HS are actually of uncertain authorship, even though Weldon is a likely candidate.
At any rate, the accusation is most likely false, given the writings of KJ himself who warned his sons against illicit sex, including homosexuality.
There are more than enough FACTS to show KJVO as wrong, without resorting to smear tactix, which makes us Freedom Readers appear as off-key as the KJVOs are.