New Member
From what I've seen of libertarians.... those who are strictly so.... if you ask them the question "Do you agree or disagree that government can legislate morality?" Their answer would be 'no'. And if you disagree.... their response at first is inticing.... they'll ask questions like "so you think its alright for government to dictate what is acceptible or not in bedroom behavior between you and your spouse?,' 'so you think its alright for the government to have a say as to what you can say and the words you can use in the privacy of your home?..... the discipline and teachings of your children?"......
But, he is a Libertarian. The problem I have with libertarian is from my study and 10 years of study and going to their meetings, off and on, is if it don't effect my family in my house it is ok, even if I disagree with it. I've listen when they had Larry King (who is about as liberal as you can get), Ron Paul (many times) Neal Bortzs (who I still recall as the most liberal talk show host in Atlanta) and many others. The one thing I got out of all that time, if I would put away my Christian world view and replace it with self, I could be a libertarian.
Down here I know about 35 libertarian who are big Ron Paul backers, I believe about 30 of them voted for BHO, as did our friend Ken. That is one of the many reasons I couldn't vote for Ron Paul.
What is not recognized..... any law which is good law and serves a worthy purpose has morality at its heart. Morality serves the interest of all people and the peace of all communities and nations. Law which is not based in morality is mere regulation..... and serves little more than control. Laws can be mixed with both a moral interest and a control interest at its heart. ......But, when it comes to legislating morality.... it seems the politically correct only legislate that which is the broadest acceptance of what society is willing to tolerate... instead of the most noble and highest of standards. While our constitution permits such interpretation....... its security of continuance is based upon a tightly knit people, agreed in high moral standards.... not reduced to the least that they themselves might practice or allow in others.
Who is controlling us? Is it fear? Is it news which is a partial feed? Are we being told 'the truth' or is it that the truth is being manipulated by the facts they choose to leave out? What happened to our ability to think critically? Did we ever have this ability? or is it something learned? or is it something that comes at the risks of being 'diagnosed by others' as paranoid?
What does the majority of Americans want? I'll tell you. The silent majority.... and I count my self as one...... want to be left alone and at peace without government interference ..... in the sanctuary of our homes. We don't want unjust wars, runaway debt... inflation...deflation...., most of us don't even want politics.... we have a suspicion elections are rigged and candidates are groomed to run and win and both parties are leading us in the same direction.... the Repub.. get by the conservative vote those laws and obligations which set up the programs for the Dem. The Dem. then use their 'progressive' (which is not progress at all) position to carry us deeper into economic destruction and enslavement and socialism. Each blames the other.... and yet both sides keep their loyalist.... few people are free thinking enough to call their own accountable for their actions.... or to consider how the two parties play together like a well tuned violin..... maybe not at the grass roots.... though that is already well underway.... you'll know it when the UN controls your property and restrains your religious rights and free speech. The UN? Yes.... but from here to there is too long to explain... so I'll leave it as a construct for readers to keep in mind.... if they're not aware or interested in ferreting it out for themselves. A nobody like me wont convince anyone..... its a waste of my time. A person will not be convinced unless he studies it out for himself.... and if its not important to do so now..... it may be as proper that when its too late.... it'll be too late to know how they let it happen and too late to change it back.
Our economy is in shambles and we have participated in its becoming so.
The curent generation has two viable (which is questionable) avenues for employment today: If they know the right people and have the right politics.... they might be able to land a government job (most likely one in an agency which is established by law and funded by Congress... but has little or no constitutional basis).... which offers some security and benefits....... or they can join the armed services, become subject to the wars, whims and will of the CIC, and, hopefully servive their servitude and profit from their experience..... and get the benefits which were promised as inducements: Otherwise, they can get minimum wage jobs which pay little more than for living... and with scholarships/grants and loans go to school hoping a job will be available when they're graduated to use their skills and knowledge.... and tied to debts they don't know if they'll be able to pay off. We have grandparents who complain if they don't get their ss colas.... with stickers on their cars 'spending our grandchildren's inheritance'. (Sadly how true!)
We bought into Wall Street.... and the capital invested in companies and industry which was supposed to anchor our economy has gone overseas. Following after the behavior of the rich.... we hoped to sit in our arm chairs, in quiet and peace, sustained by the wealth of our armchair labors working for us, while we labored not....... Investing in companies which were against our interest.... many which lobbied for regulations they manuvered to swallow up their competition.... and then moved their industry overseas... some supporting 'alternative lifestyle'. We visit the discount stores.... you know the ones who used to say 'buy American' while discounting smalll mom and pop operations out of the competition.... and now sale goods of questionable quality and safety and purity 'made in China'. We cannot afford otherwise...yet, because we either can't or wont...we tighten the noose on our own necks. And who is government bailing out.... not us, not our economy..... they are bailing out the very thieves who stole our economy and shipped it to China or elsewhere.....the very ones who manipulated the stock market that we invested in.... for their progfits on the rise... and our lossess on the falls.... and allowed banks etc. to invest in 'derivatives' which was a crap shoot..... and nothing more. The DOD looses money.... oh, just a few billions; What happens if an IRS audit.... you can't find certain receipts? You get nailed. What about these accountants? Why do they escape with a smug excuse? 6600 soldiers buried in Arlington Cementary with graves unknown?
Returning to the morality issue...... all of these developments have to do with morality.
While it may seem to be "a necessary evil"...... it is time we start to realize that those things which aren't done "in the light" escape accountability and lend themselves to become "instruments of darkness". The Christian pov is that human nature being what it is ..... ungodly and unpredictable.... unless God fills the void and a person is guided by him..... a person is at the 'mercy' of their own conscience and the pressures which favor him.....
After 30 years personal experience I have concluded that paid police informants and under cover police work generates much more evil than it eliminates. "We have met the enemy and they are us," Pogo.
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