#1 Churches are not a building, they are a people.
#2 The people of Christ were commissioned to proclaim the gospel of Christ.
#3 In the early days of the church, believers influenced their community by caring for the poor, the sick, and the dead.
One way we can show our community that we care for them is to follow viral isolation protocols.
Our Church Email did not sound fearful.
Church Yesterday
So how was church yesterday? What did you do? Did you use the worshipoutline Pastor xxxxx developed and sent out to everyone? Shoot me an email and give us some feedback on what worked or didn't work as you worshiped in your home. I'll be working with Pastor xxxxxx and xxxxxx tomorrow working on next Sunday’s service.
You probably know that our campus is closed at least March 29th. The CDC has recommended that group meetings be limited to no more than 50 people for the next eight weeks Eight weeks would put us at May 10th. We ARE NOT making that change until the state of PA speaks on that matter. We are working day-by-day, moment-by-moment. Stay tuned.
With our campus being closed there are no ministry activities taking place.
Small groups, bible studies and team meetings are left to the discretion of the ministry leader and if they take place will do so off campus. Contact your ministry leader to confirm the status for your group, study or team meeting.
Check your email and social media regularly for updates and news.
Priority #1 - Stay in the Word. Keep your heart centered and fixed on TRUTH that will defend your mind and heart from attacks of the enemy. Use what you are reading to encourage others. Memorizing scripture is the best way to have verses tucked away for those moments when you need to speak truth to the fears and doubts that are assailing all of us. Text verses to your friends, your SG or your bible study or your teammates. Stay in the Word.
Priority #2 - Stay connected. I don't know about you but when I miss one Sunday of church it can feel like it's been months since I've seen any of ya'll. Well, it might be weeks before we really do get to see each other again on a Sunday morning. So work hard, be diligent about staying connected to your brothers and sisters in the Lord. Go through the church directory and ask God who He might want you to connect with or to encourage. It will be so easy for folks to feel isolated and alone at a time like this. Let them know you care and love them.
Priority #3 - Meeting needs. [snip] If you know someone in need, talk to them and find out how others can help them. If you need to bring the Congregational Care team in to help meet their needs, [let us know] Let your SG leader or bible study leader or team leader know of the need to bring other people into the process of assisting them. If the need should be confidential, that is not a problem. We can do that.
Priority #4 - Pray. Pray for our church, our elders, our leaders and staff. Pray for our nation, our local leaders, state officials and our president and the federal government. Pray for the people in your SG, your bible study and your teammates. Pray for your lost friends who need the hope that we have in Christ. Pray for yourself, that God will give you wisdom and discernment to understand the times we live in and how to apply biblical truth to them. Since we can't do prayer requests on Connection Cards, send your confidential prayer requests to our email chain and include "Confidential" in the subject line. Your prayer request will not be sent to the church family, instead the Elders will receive it and pray for you.
We have a mission, it’s our duty to be faithful.