Well-Known Member
And maybe we should have just left Hitler and Europe hash it out??
Children being beheaded, woman raped, men hung. YOUR Christian brothers and sisters tortured and murdered and we should just let them hash it out???
Maybe Obama has finally taken his head out of the golf hole long enough to realize there is evil in the world that must be confronted and kept at bay.
You should read all my remarks before going off on a tirade. My initial post:
NO! He is using a feather when he should be using "Shock and Awe" against this terrorist group. They are supposedly beheading children; but then that is what abortionists do in this country in late term abortions; particularly since the ban on partial birth abortions.
The remarks about letting them hash it out were made in response to Sapper Woody's concern about sending in ground troops which I also oppose. But limited air strikes are useless and Obamma hash;t confronted anything!