This very fact is what makes me extremely pessimistic concerning the future of our country!!
I wouldn't over-worry the future of our country, because we understand that we, as the Body, live separate from this world and are not part of it from a secular standpoint to begin with. That does not mean we take ourselves out of the world, as Paul stated, but that as we find ourselves in a world that has always been hostile to God as a whole, we seek to impact the world by being available to God for that purpose.
I do not hold to a view that America was a Christian Nation and is losing that, but view America as a secular nation that had the benefit of having men who feared God and acted according to their beliefs. While many of them instituted a general platform of "Christian" influence, that does not mean that we have ever been a Christian Nation. That Nation will not begin until the Lord establishes His Kingdom here on earth, In that day we can truly say that a Christian Nation exists. Until then, we maintain a separation from the world, even on a National basis.
Don't mistake that as meaning that we cannot be proud to be Americans, and proud of many of the things we have accomplished as a Nation, but, just as there have been those in the "Church" which have not acted accordingly and brought shame on the Name of Christ, even so America has had her share of those that have brought shame on America. That does not mean that either the entire Body of Christ or America should be disavowed, we just place everyone in a proper context according to their works. The Jones, Koreshes, and Bakers thought to be associated with the Body of Christ do not overshadow Christ Himself, or the Pauls, Stephens, and Johns. Similarly, the Americans that have committed atrocities do not overshadow the American Soldiers, for example, who have given their lives purposely to save other's lives. They do not overshadow the good Samaritans that have stepped up to help their fellow countryman.
And the good and noble among us can usually be seen to have been impacted by Christ.
There is an American spirit that still stands tall, is noble, is good, and still remains in this country among her people. But there is a Holy Spirit that is in the Body of Christ, and the sad fact concerning the Church is that she...has always been a minority in the world. The true American spirit is fueled by the Holy Spirit, in my opinion. It is the Christian that makes this country great, and historically, from a standpoint that Christians are always going to be a minority until that true Christian Nation emerges in the Millennial Kingdom, we see that a minority can impact a Nation in dramatic ways. We see this same principle in special rights groups, where a handful of people have been successful to make great change in this country.
Do we say the Body of Christ has laid down on the Job? Perhaps, but more likely it is a matter of the Body of Christ failing to impact that sphere in which each individual has been placed by God. It is more fair to say that our impact on the Nation, as a minority, was once greater than it has been in recent decades. So even as it was when this country was founded, when a handful of people had an impact on the world which is still seen, even so we today can strive for that same effect. It begins with each of us in our personal relationship with the Lord, then extends to those relationships we each have in this world.
But again, don't over-worry the fate of this Nation. As the OP asks, concerning Obama's impact on eschatological matters, it may be, and is likely, that it is the Lord setting the stage in preparation for the events prophesied. When Christ came He had set a stage where Israel lay in bondage to the world system, and we should consider that when Antichrist arrives we will see similar conditions.
That is both unsettling as well as exciting. While events have taken place for years that might indicate the end of this Age is near, today we stand more closely to the possibility of prophecy being realized than any other generation before us. There is that which we can do as the Body, and that which we cannot. We cannot stop God's timetable and program, but we can still seek to be available for the roles He would have us play.
God bless.