1. I did not say ground troops are not the answer I said we cannot afford it.
2. You do not know that what Feinstein said is not of value. In fact it has been suggested that some ground forces are needed even if limited Although more than the 50 proposed by Obama is what is meant.
3. I did not say "ineffective lunatic". Please stop adding to my words. I said what he has done is ineffective. This is in contrast to his false claim that he has contained them.
1. Okay, we can't afford it and Obama knows this. Now what? He's a lunatic because he won't do something we can't afford? Help me with that logic.
2. All she said is "more troops" That isn't anything that any crazy uncle couldn't come with at an uncomfortable Thanksgiving dinner. Just saying more troops without any rationale in that article is absent of validity.
3. Splitting hairs here but that's what we are going to do I guess. His "lunacy" then, whatever you mean by that I would love to know. Can you explain why you say ISIS hasn't been contained militarily in Iraq and Syria?
Offering up simple criticism and using ad hominem attacks on Obama without offering up any viable alternative is showing that this is just more partisan politics then actual strategy.
I listened to Trump on Fox the other day and when he was asked about what his military response would be against ISIS he basically said that he was against the invasion in 2003 and that we would bomb them and seek to share intelligence with allies while forming a coalition. It was hilarious. His plan to combat ISIS has been implemented for almost a year by the current administration.