Correct. Dean basically recruited former GOPers and conservative I's and Dems to run when they normally wouldn't. For instance, Dean recruited Heath Shuler to move from Knoxville (a moderate Republican), had him switch parties and run as a Dem in western NC. He won. He recruited Jim Webb to run in VA senate race as a pro-gun Dem to appeal to the male swing vote. '06 was about Dean, not Rove.As for the 2006 election, that was a direct result Howard Dean's strategy of fighting in every election, every district. If the Democratic Party were smart, they would let him guide the 2008 election as well....................but they aren't.
As for VP, Obama's smartest pick would be Bayh. But 2 senators on the same ticket? Bayh looks presidential, is much more conservative and appealing to the average American than Obama, and has executive experience, having been IN Gov for 2 terms.
Hillary would be a very smart pick. However, Bill is Bill and was Bill. He's pretty much torpedoed this with his comments. Besides, does anyone really believe Hillary wants to be #2? I firmly believe she'd rather run again in 2012 than be Veep for four or eight years.
I have no idea who Obama will pick. There are times I want to say Bayh, times I want to say Kaine, Sebellius, etc. I just don't know.
Speaking of party stupidity, why is the GOP not focusing on making strides in both houses? You have this congress with worse approval ratings than the one it unseated, yet the GOP is not trying to market this. They seem to be willing to let the Dems have the legislative branch so long as the GOP controls the Oval. I don't know if that's the smartest thinking in the world.