When I was younger, in the 60s, I really got hung up on the books by Hal Lindsey and was convinced that Christ would return in my lifetime, and probably early in my life. I was firmly convinced that he had the correct sequence of events figured out.
I think we learn several things as we get older. One is what the Bible says about the date, that no one knows, and as sure as a prediction is made, one can rest assured that the prediction will not be the date. It almost reminds me of a chess game, except your opponent (the Lord) knows all the moves.
Another thing that comes to mind is that Hal Lindsey's idea of end times is only one of many, from different interrpetation of parts of Revelation, Ezekiel, Daniel, Matthew, to mention a few. He might be right, but not as sure as I used to be. There is a lot to be said for the post trib postion. This is one doctrine that I have not decided on since I questioned Lindsey after reading other books and going through several pastors.
You and several others mentioned the most important factor of all, not worrying about the timing and living like He is coming tomorrow. It may very well be He still comes in our lifetime. There is nothing to prevent it, and the signs are certainly there.