Will we have to rethink the age of the universe? "Hubble Reveals Observable Universe Contains 10 Times More Galaxies Than Previously Thought"
Hubble Finds 10 Times More Galaxies Than Thought
Even the big bang theory is up for debate!
Where is the centre of the universe?
If the universe contains 10 times more galaxies than originally thought then the 15 billion year theory goes out the window, it would be much older than that!
Yeah we need to rethink the age, it's much younger than most assume. SCIENCE has proven there is no way we could have been here more than 20,000 years. We've been here about 6,000 years. I can go through all of the reasons if you like, IE the magnetic field gets weaker every day, if we went back just 50,000 years we'd all be crushed. The moon is constantly moving away from the earth 2 ft each year, do the math if we were here as long as they say, the moon would touch the earth, it's impossible, all the evidence points to a young earth.
First Carbon 14 dating is only good up to 1000 years give or take. Second, we had a fall, that is the earth was glorious, gems became rocks, glorious trees into what we see today, so it's no wonder we should see rapid decay. As to what you wrote I see how that has no bearing on anything, there are many great Astronomers who believe in a young earth, but you say "It would take billions of years for us to see the light", but you forget God said "Let there be LIGHTS in the sky", sorry folks He doesn't have to wait for light to travel, it simply appeared in creation.
There is much we don't know, but I'm POSITIVE every word of scripture is the literal word of God, look at the scientific facts the bible gave us 3000 years before man discovered it, 1. That light creates wind 2. There are fountains in the deep 3. Microbiology, if you touch a dead or sick person, wash your hands in running water. 4. The earth is round 5. The earth hangs on nothing. 6. Life is in the blood (Washington died of a bleeding), Christians Atheists aren't confused people, they are Christ haters "If you are not for me you are actually against me", they aren't looking for truth, they are trying to destroy your faith, their father is the devil. They KNOW GOD EXISTS, but they suppress Him (Romans 1), so just don't pay any attention. I've debated these guys for two decades, if you have any questions please feel free.
PS: Look at Bart Erhman, goes around saying we don't have a clue what scripture actually said, but in "Misquting Jesus", his scholarly expertise told the truth "What we have today is close (Very close), ,to the original, and variants do not affect any thought or theology". He won't say that in a PBS interview of course, watch White destroy him, best debate. By the way his book "Misquoting Jesus" has 3 million variants first publication, 2 errors, 1.5 million books, it's a joke, the Devil is alive and well, and if you don't believe that you've already lost