You totally miss the message of Hebrews 10.Apparently you haven't read enough of my postings. I've always said he was the offering for all sins (willful and ignorant). But according to heb 10, if you sin willfully after arriving at the truth, there is no more sacrifice for these sins and a looking forward to judgment.
"If you sin willfully". What sin? The 10 commandments? The 600+ Torah laws?
Hebrews 10 explains the sin he is speaking of from beginning to end.
Hebrews is all about Jesus Christ, His sacrifice for all sin and the covenant made with those who believe.
It is not about keeping the Law or any part of the Law. It is about Jesus satisfying the Law and those who believe that Jesus Christ has satisfied the Law. It appears that this very passage which you point to is actually pointing back at you and those who reject the fact that Jesus Christ has satisfied the Law. These people still feel obligated to have the Law vindicate themselves rather than faith in the work of Jesus Christ. Like yourself, who has said that those who do not keep the Sabbath will be cut off from life. This very statement in part troddens under foot the Son of God and His blood covenant.
Hebrews explains the "willful sin" it is speaking of, it is crystal clear it is Jesus Christ and not any Laws...
"Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?"
It is not about the Sabbath, or stealing, or lying, or any other Law. It is about REJECTING the Son of God as the sacrifice for ALL sins and the fulfillment of the demands of the Law.
Hebrews makes it clear that those who have been sanctified by Jesus Christ (saved) have been perfect for ever. For ever is eternal my friend. Believe the Word as it is written, not as others have told you to believe it.
"For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." (10:14)
Right there is your OSAS! Just to mention one out of many.