After several pastor changes at my local church I have been visiting other churches trying to catch the 8AM, 10AM, and 6PM services. In the past few months I have been to three churches affiliated with the Baptist Church. As many churches as I visit these days I find them all unique. There are two main figures in a church...
1. The Senior Pastor - The leader of the church
2. The Worship Leader - The music director
The Senior Pastor being the most important. With the Baptist Churches I visit I find them all unique. Some more traditional, others more contemporary. All defined by the Senior Pastor and the Worship Leader. I can recommend no church without first getting to know the Senior Pastor. I enjoy the teachings of John Vernon McGee who was a ordained Presbyterian minister. But... If I visit the local Presbyterian church I find a woman pastor and a sign that says we are LGBT friendly. So the difference in leadership is like night and day... All within the same denomination.
I visited the 8AM service of a local church affiliated with the Baptist Church but not having "Baptist" on the shingle. The service was very much traditional, almost like it was hundreds of years ago. The preacher preached a message on his trip to California and all the vineyards. A very detailed message on the wine production there. Following the message they had communion in which the bread was a rather large wafer and the wine in a rather large cup (for communion anyway). After drinking the wine my thoughts were... My gosh! That was the best wine I have ever drunk!
I enjoyed the service and will probably go back.
1. The Senior Pastor - The leader of the church
2. The Worship Leader - The music director
The Senior Pastor being the most important. With the Baptist Churches I visit I find them all unique. Some more traditional, others more contemporary. All defined by the Senior Pastor and the Worship Leader. I can recommend no church without first getting to know the Senior Pastor. I enjoy the teachings of John Vernon McGee who was a ordained Presbyterian minister. But... If I visit the local Presbyterian church I find a woman pastor and a sign that says we are LGBT friendly. So the difference in leadership is like night and day... All within the same denomination.
I visited the 8AM service of a local church affiliated with the Baptist Church but not having "Baptist" on the shingle. The service was very much traditional, almost like it was hundreds of years ago. The preacher preached a message on his trip to California and all the vineyards. A very detailed message on the wine production there. Following the message they had communion in which the bread was a rather large wafer and the wine in a rather large cup (for communion anyway). After drinking the wine my thoughts were... My gosh! That was the best wine I have ever drunk!
I enjoyed the service and will probably go back.