A good read.
Nolte: Winners and Losers of the Kavanaugh Confirmation | Breitbart
Like it was for many others, somewhere along the line, everything changed. As the accusations crumbled under the weight of evidence and witness testimony, as Democrats moved the goalposts, as our monstrous media became desperate enough to wave around high school yearbooks like a bloody shirt, this stopped being about politics and the future of the Supreme Court and became about the fate of one man — an innocent man, a wrongfully accused man, a publicly persecuted man — which means it suddenly became the most important thing in the world.
Watching Brett Kavanaugh stripped naked and publicly humiliated by the organized left and media was excruciating. The obscenity of it, the injustice. Even worse was the tightly-knotted ball of fear growing like a fascist cancer in all decent people, as we lived with the intolerable thought that this abomination might succeed, that the single most appalling act of McCarthyism of my lifetime might actually pay off.
I lived through the Clarence Thomas Wars, the Sarah Palin Wars, the public destruction of John McCain and Mitt Romney… This was different. This was murder — the first-degree, cold-blooded murder of a man’s reputation, his young family, and his entire future using the Soviet-style revolutionary tactics of vile lies in pursuit of power.
Democrats and the media were not even interested in convincing us Kavanaugh had done something wrong. Their only goal was to make him so personally toxic, his guilt or innocence no longer mattered. And the only word for that is demonic.
Nolte: Winners and Losers of the Kavanaugh Confirmation | Breitbart
Like it was for many others, somewhere along the line, everything changed. As the accusations crumbled under the weight of evidence and witness testimony, as Democrats moved the goalposts, as our monstrous media became desperate enough to wave around high school yearbooks like a bloody shirt, this stopped being about politics and the future of the Supreme Court and became about the fate of one man — an innocent man, a wrongfully accused man, a publicly persecuted man — which means it suddenly became the most important thing in the world.
Watching Brett Kavanaugh stripped naked and publicly humiliated by the organized left and media was excruciating. The obscenity of it, the injustice. Even worse was the tightly-knotted ball of fear growing like a fascist cancer in all decent people, as we lived with the intolerable thought that this abomination might succeed, that the single most appalling act of McCarthyism of my lifetime might actually pay off.
I lived through the Clarence Thomas Wars, the Sarah Palin Wars, the public destruction of John McCain and Mitt Romney… This was different. This was murder — the first-degree, cold-blooded murder of a man’s reputation, his young family, and his entire future using the Soviet-style revolutionary tactics of vile lies in pursuit of power.
Democrats and the media were not even interested in convincing us Kavanaugh had done something wrong. Their only goal was to make him so personally toxic, his guilt or innocence no longer mattered. And the only word for that is demonic.