That’s right, you don’t need to listen to anyone, you can be a self shepherding sheep.
The church of the individual, that’s not the church we read about in scripture.
As I said I am guided by the Holy Spirit that dwells with in all Christians. For those that listen to Him do you think He would lead us into error? The church is not the building or the system the church is the individual members. That is something the RCC has failed to understand or accept.
Every Bible alone denomination says they depend upon The Holy Spirit to guide them.
They don’t understand that The Holy Spirit operates through the Apostles and their successors in Apostolic Tradition.
I do not depend upon some organization/denomination to tell me what to believe such as you do with the RCC.
The Holy Spirit does not need your RCC or any denomination as He dwells in each believer.
The Catholic Church has the Authority of the Apostles handed down through time.
So you still have not realized that your view is built on shifting sand.
Your circular reasoning is flawed. You are trusting the RCC to tell you that what the RCC teaches is true.
Your so called papal authority has been shown to be flawed by some of your fellow catholic's
Eamon Duffy, a Catholic historian, says there is nothing directly approaching a papal Authority in the pages of the New Testament. Mat_16:18-19 was never interpreted by the 1st century Church in terms of claims to preeminence by a non-existent monarchical Bishop of Rome or even later by the Apostolic fathers.
The French Roman Catholic llinois surveyed the writings of the church fathers to see what the early church said about Mat_16:18 {Peter the rock} did they say that this made him the Pope? He found 17 citations from church fathers who agreed that Matthew when he says the rock it's referring to Peter so 17 citations that make Peter the rock. Now they did not say that Peter was the Pope most of them don't even talk about that because it historically didn't exist yet but they did say that the phrase the rock referred to Peter. He found 16 citations that identify the rock as Christ so those are split 50-50. He found 8 that identified the rock as all of the disciples not just Peter but all the disciples and he found 44 citations that identified the rock as the confession that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God so the favorite interpretation of the Church Fathers is that the rock is the confession of trusting Christ as God so 80% of the time the Church Fathers disagree with the Roman Catholic position.
The foundation of the RCC is at best shaky and in actual fact is non-existent.
You need to come out of that false religious organization and trust in the risen Christ Jesus for you salvation.