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Wisdom Prophecy unacceptable?


Well-Known Member
It was Catholic Councils that determined and declared the Canon of the Bible in the first place, with inspiration of The Holy Spirit.

No Protestants or Baptists had anything to do with this, they don’t even agree among themselves what the Bible means. These are all human founded traditions, built on “ what does the scripture mean to you “.

You are just a silly silly man. God determined His canon.


Well-Known Member
You are just a silly silly man. God determined His canon.

Certainly God determined His Canon, through His inspired One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Once it dawns on you that it was the Catholic Church that was the inspired protector and determiner of the Canon, you realise that everyone else’s opinion of scripture is garbage.
Why listen to traditions that had nothing to do with the Canon, especially if they all disagree on its meaning.

The Catholic Church is the Biblical Church.


Well-Known Member
Certainly God determined His Canon, through His inspired One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Once it dawns on you that it was the Catholic Church that was the inspired protector and determiner of the Canon, you realise that everyone else’s opinion of scripture is garbage.
Why listen to traditions that had nothing to do with the Canon, especially if they all disagree on its meaning.

The Catholic Church is the Biblical Church.

@Cathode you are wasting your time trying to make to RCC out to be this protector of the faith. That system has abused and twisted the word of God.

The RCC has presumed to take the place of God in salvation and forgiveness of sin. That alone shows the error of that institution.

It is unfortunate that you are so committed to that false system. If you were an honest seeker of truth you would trust God's canon not the false canon of the RCC, it's councils or it's pope.


Well-Known Member
@Cathode you are wasting your time trying to make to RCC out to be this protector of the faith. That system has abused and twisted the word of God.

The RCC has presumed to take the place of God in salvation and forgiveness of sin. That alone shows the error of that institution.

It is unfortunate that you are so committed to that false system. If you were an honest seeker of truth you would trust God's canon not the false canon of the RCC, it's councils or it's pope.

The fact that the scriptures and the Canon itself only come down to us through the Catholic Church tells me a different story.

Also the enduring nature of the Catholic Church after so much time, tells me that it carries Christ’s promise.


Well-Known Member
The fact that the scriptures and the Canon itself only come down to us through the Catholic Church tells me a different story.

Also the enduring nature of the Catholic Church after so much time, tells me that it carries Christ’s promise.

The canon was established by God as soon as the inspired writers penned it. And as you know God has even used Satan to accomplish His desired outcome.

As for proving the RCC by it's nature, I would not be using that line as they have proven over and over to be self-serving and to have a questionable character.


Well-Known Member
The canon was established by God as soon as the inspired writers penned it. And as you know God has even used Satan to accomplish His desired outcome.

As for proving the RCC by it's nature, I would not be using that line as they have proven over and over to be self-serving and to have a questionable character.

No, it was Catholics that died in the pagan arenas and Catholics that were persecuted defending the scriptures when they were outlawed.
Satan was working for the pagans, not the Catholics.


Well-Known Member
No, it was Catholics that died in the pagan arenas and Catholics that were persecuted defending the scriptures when they were outlawed.
Satan was working for the pagans, not the Catholics.

You are just promoting your RCC stories again. Those that died in the arenas were Christians. They died trusting in Christ Jesus for their salvation not a false salvation through the RCC.

The RCC has persecuted christian down through the centuries. Those that did not follow the false teaching of the RCC were tortured and killed by the thousands. God built His church through love the RCC tried to built that system by the sword. Satan has always stood against the word of God and has used the RCC to continue that attempt.


Well-Known Member
You are just promoting your RCC stories again. Those that died in the arenas were Christians. They died trusting in Christ Jesus for their salvation not a false salvation through the RCC.

The RCC has persecuted christian down through the centuries. Those that did not follow the false teaching of the RCC were tortured and killed by the thousands. God built His church through love the RCC tried to built that system by the sword. Satan has always stood against the word of God and has used the RCC to continue that attempt.

You are the one running a false narrative.

Catholics canonised the Bible, canonised the saints, canonised the martyrs of long ago.
We have saints and martyrs that were Roman soldiers, killed because they would not sacrifice to idols.
Many other Catholic martyrs and saints that have suffered and died to hand down the scriptures and preach the Gospel.

You have been poisoned with pure lies against the Catholic Church. You have no historical evidence, just prejudiced Jack Chick narratives.
This is for those that are too lazy to look at real history, or too prejudiced to even try and find out.


Well-Known Member
You are the one running a false narrative.

Catholics canonised the Bible, canonised the saints, canonised the martyrs of long ago.
We have saints and martyrs that were Roman soldiers, killed because they would not sacrifice to idols.
Many other Catholic martyrs and saints that have suffered and died to hand down the scriptures and preach the Gospel.

You have been poisoned with pure lies against the Catholic Church. You have no historical evidence, just prejudiced Jack Chick narratives.
This is for those that are too lazy to look at real history, or too prejudiced to even try and find out.

You can continue to believe the RCC stories but I do not. All you are presenting is circular reasoning. Believe the RCC is true because the RCC tells you it is true.


Well-Known Member
You can continue to believe the RCC stories but I do not. All you are presenting is circular reasoning. Believe the RCC is true because the RCC tells you it is true.

You interpret “what scripture means to you “, this the circular reasoning of relativism. Each man interprets scripture by what it means to him, subjectively according to his opinion.
Forsaking the objective truth of scripture, for the ever changing fallible human opinion of scripture.


Well-Known Member
You interpret “what scripture means to you “, this the circular reasoning of relativism. Each man interprets scripture by what it means to him, subjectively according to his opinion.
Forsaking the objective truth of scripture, for the ever changing fallible human opinion of scripture.

As opposed to trusting what scripture means to people that have been shown to have less than good moral character. The RCC has lost all standings as the purveyor of truth.

Actually you can understand scripture if you just read it without any preconceived notion of what you want to find in it. Are there passages that are challenging, yes but over time, through study, those passages will become clear.

And that is the major difference between you and I, you need some man to tell you what the scriptures mean and I depend upon the author to guide me.

The RCC has forsaken the objective truth of scripture a long long time ago.


Well-Known Member
As opposed to trusting what scripture means to people that have been shown to have less than good moral character. The RCC has lost all standings as the purveyor of truth.

Actually you can understand scripture if you just read it without any preconceived notion of what you want to find in it. Are there passages that are challenging, yes but over time, through study, those passages will become clear.

And that is the major difference between you and I, you need some man to tell you what the scriptures mean and I depend upon the author to guide me.

The RCC has forsaken the objective truth of scripture a long long time ago.

Every Bible aloner says he depends on the author to guide his interpretation of Scripture.

How is that working out?

Tens of thousands of Bible alone churches all with conflicting interpretations of scripture and doctrines.
And countless churches of the individual that don’t gather with anyone.

They still don’t agree, even on the basics, no interpretation of scripture or doctrine is settled even today among them.

They are all institutionally divided, not gathering together as brethren and each self assured of their own correctness of interpretation and doctrines.

Each looking down at the other smugly aware of the superiority of their interpreted pet doctrines, when none of them have an authoritive basis for their interpretations of scripture or the doctrines that proceed for those conflicting human interpretations.

I was wrong that the first casualty of Protestantism is the truth, the first casualty is actually humility.
Where do you get the sheer hide to subjugate God’s Holy Word to your fallible opinion, nullifying the word of God and creating countless traditions of men.


Well-Known Member
Every Bible aloner says he depends on the author to guide his interpretation of Scripture.

How is that working out?

Tens of thousands of Bible alone churches all with conflicting interpretations of scripture and doctrines.
And countless churches of the individual that don’t gather with anyone.

They still don’t agree, even on the basics, no interpretation of scripture or doctrine is settled even today among them.

They are all institutionally divided, not gathering together as brethren and each self assured of their own correctness of interpretation and doctrines.

Each looking down at the other smugly aware of the superiority of their interpreted pet doctrines, when none of them have an authoritive basis for their interpretations of scripture or the doctrines that proceed for those conflicting human interpretations.

I was wrong that the first casualty of Protestantism is the truth, the first casualty is actually humility.
Where do you get the sheer hide to subjugate God’s Holy Word to your fallible opinion, nullifying the word of God and creating countless traditions of men.
It is not from now you are wrong as is written above, the Devil ALWAYS WAS WRONG, since the beginning.

The satanic, demonic, spirit that posted the message above, even by the one who was and is inspired by the spirit of Devil, the accuser, the current red dragon->Revelation 12:9 combined with Revelation 16:13-15, even he himself, the Devil, the accuser, is who created the scenary above described since the beginning of the Church, but he says above that the own believers are the CAUSE (NOT HIM)of the DEMONIC environment among countless denominations and evangelical movements around the SATANIC world, where the believers still are living, and will live until the Day 1335-Daniel 12:12.

In the OT the spirit of Devil, now red dragon, worked with the false prophets
, today false preachers of the Word of GOD, these cast of demons were and are the TAIL of the dragon-Isaiah 9:15-16(the TAIL), combined with Isaiah 56:10-11(the DOGS),and in the NT with Philippians 3:2, and they are who cause divisions among themselves, being sensual, having not the Spirit, the Spirit of GOD(Jude 1:19).

That said, in fact the Antichrist's was born from the Church, FROM THE CHURCH OF ROME, founded by Paul Apostle, Apostle of the Gentiles, and firstly it was a powerful Church-Romans 1:7-8(57AD),
but with the Jewish false Christians which atended the Church of Rome, then the Church of Rome was transformed in the CRADLE OF ANTICHRIST, and they created the SATANIC Papacy to replace JESUS, a DEMONIC Antichrist's linked to the Roman Empire to kill the true believers, even the Apostles.

And the SAME SATANIC SPIRIT of 2000 years ago is even in this Baptist Site to spread his SATANIC messages, and accusing the believers of the divisions among Churches,
VADE RETRO SATANA. Get thee behind us, Satan: go down to the abyss Satan, that is your place from now on, that you deceive the nations no more.

GO DOWN TO THE ABYSS SATAN, in the NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST; Your place, Satan, is in the bottomless pit from now on.


Well-Known Member
Every Bible aloner says he depends on the author to guide his interpretation of Scripture.

How is that working out?

Tens of thousands of Bible alone churches all with conflicting interpretations of scripture and doctrines.
And countless churches of the individual that don’t gather with anyone.

They still don’t agree, even on the basics, no interpretation of scripture or doctrine is settled even today among them.

They are all institutionally divided, not gathering together as brethren and each self assured of their own correctness of interpretation and doctrines.

Each looking down at the other smugly aware of the superiority of their interpreted pet doctrines, when none of them have an authoritive basis for their interpretations of scripture or the doctrines that proceed for those conflicting human interpretations.

I was wrong that the first casualty of Protestantism is the truth, the first casualty is actually humility.
Where do you get the sheer hide to subjugate God’s Holy Word to your fallible opinion, nullifying the word of God and creating countless traditions of men.

I find in strange that you continue to complain about all the different denominations. I did not say I depended upon a denomination to tell me what to think and believe did I. There may be some denominations out there that do but we know the RCC does just that. Why trust the Holy Spirit when you can have flawed men tell you and we know how flawed the RCC is don't we.

I have been a baptist all my life and we depend upon the Holy Spirit to guide us. Do we always get it right, no, but when we through further study see our error we correct it. What we do not do is add all the false doctrines that the RCC has done.

The RCC has tried to usurp the authority of God just as another well know entity had tried and was cast out of heaven for it. So it seems the RCC has more in common with him than it does with the God they claim to represent.


Well-Known Member
I find in strange that you continue to complain about all the different denominations. I did not say I depended upon a denomination to tell me what to think and believe did I. There may be some denominations out there that do but we know the RCC does just that. Why trust the Holy Spirit when you can have flawed men tell you and we know how flawed the RCC is don't we.

That’s right, you don’t need to listen to anyone, you can be a self shepherding sheep.
The church of the individual, that’s not the church we read about in scripture.

I have been a baptist all my life and we depend upon the Holy Spirit to guide us. Do we always get it right, no, but when we through further study see our error we correct it. What we do not do is add all the false doctrines that the RCC has done.

Every Bible alone denomination says they depend upon The Holy Spirit to guide them.
They don’t understand that The Holy Spirit operates through the Apostles and their successors in Apostolic Tradition.

The RCC has tried to usurp the authority of God just as another well know entity had tried and was cast out of heaven for it. So it seems the RCC has more in common with him than it does with the God they claim to represent.

The Catholic Church has the Authority of the Apostles handed down through time.


Well-Known Member
That’s right, you don’t need to listen to anyone, you can be a self shepherding sheep.
The church of the individual, that’s not the church we read about in scripture.

As I said I am guided by the Holy Spirit that dwells with in all Christians. For those that listen to Him do you think He would lead us into error? The church is not the building or the system the church is the individual members. That is something the RCC has failed to understand or accept.

Every Bible alone denomination says they depend upon The Holy Spirit to guide them.
They don’t understand that The Holy Spirit operates through the Apostles and their successors in Apostolic Tradition.

I do not depend upon some organization/denomination to tell me what to believe such as you do with the RCC.

The Holy Spirit does not need your RCC or any denomination as He dwells in each believer.
The Catholic Church has the Authority of the Apostles handed down through time.

So you still have not realized that your view is built on shifting sand.

Your circular reasoning is flawed. You are trusting the RCC to tell you that what the RCC teaches is true.

Your so called papal authority has been shown to be flawed by some of your fellow catholic's

Eamon Duffy, a Catholic historian, says there is nothing directly approaching a papal Authority in the pages of the New Testament. Mat_16:18-19 was never interpreted by the 1st century Church in terms of claims to preeminence by a non-existent monarchical Bishop of Rome or even later by the Apostolic fathers.

The French Roman Catholic llinois surveyed the writings of the church fathers to see what the early church said about Mat_16:18 {Peter the rock} did they say that this made him the Pope? He found 17 citations from church fathers who agreed that Matthew when he says the rock it's referring to Peter so 17 citations that make Peter the rock. Now they did not say that Peter was the Pope most of them don't even talk about that because it historically didn't exist yet but they did say that the phrase the rock referred to Peter. He found 16 citations that identify the rock as Christ so those are split 50-50. He found 8 that identified the rock as all of the disciples not just Peter but all the disciples and he found 44 citations that identified the rock as the confession that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God so the favorite interpretation of the Church Fathers is that the rock is the confession of trusting Christ as God so 80% of the time the Church Fathers disagree with the Roman Catholic position.

The foundation of the RCC is at best shaky and in actual fact is non-existent.

You need to come out of that false religious organization and trust in the risen Christ Jesus for you salvation.


Well-Known Member
The Catholic Church has the Authority of the Apostles handed down through time.
Then JESUS says unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, YE CURSED(CURSED BY JESUS) into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his messengers: -> 2Corinthians 11:13-15 combined with Revelationc 12:7-17. --> The birthplace, or the cradle of Antichrist, was the own Church, the Church of Rome, unfortunately, so the IDOLATER CHURCH OF ROME IS ALREADY CURSED BY JESUS and condemned to the hell's fire forever. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous, the true believers, into life eternal-Matthew 25:41 and 46. THIS SCRIPTURE WILL FULFILL LITERALLY FROM NOW ON. Notwithstanding must still be elected the next and LAST Pope, and I would ask: Would be his religious nickname Paulus VII?


Well-Known Member
As I said I am guided by the Holy Spirit that dwells with in all Christians. For those that listen to Him do you think He would lead us into error? The church is not the building or the system the church is the individual members. That is something the RCC has failed to understand or accept.

No, the Church Jesus founded has a Holy Spirit guided Apostolic Government that teaches and guides Christ’s flock.

I do not depend upon some organization/denomination to tell me what to believe such as you do with the RCC.

And if he refuses to listen, even to the Church, let him be to you as gentile or tax collector.

Self sufficiency has another name ‘ Pride ‘, it is marked by words like “ I don’t depend “ and “ I don’t need “.
It takes humility to lead by the Church, many do not want to be sheep and think it’s their job to interpret the pastures. As they wander they no longer resemble sheep but goats.
Jesus left His Apostolic Shepherds in charge, not self shepherding sheep guided by “ what does the bible mean to me “.


Well-Known Member
No, the Church Jesus founded has a Holy Spirit guided Apostolic Government that teaches and guides Christ’s flock.
And if he refuses to listen, even to the Church, let him be to you as gentile or tax collector.
There the reason by which the True Church of the Lord, His body, the true believers, REFUSE to listen the Apostate and DEMONIC Church of Rome, guided and leaded by the spirit of Devil within the Papacy, full of idolatries, and witchicraft, and pedophilias, possessed by the same spirits of demons that possessed the pigs after be expelled from the MAN of Gadarah, the pigs died, but the legion of spirits not and they have possessed the followers of the APOSTATE Church of Rome. Epistle of Paul to the Romans 1:18-32.
Self sufficiency has another name ‘ Pride ‘, it is marked by words like “ I don’t depend “ and “ I don’t need “.
It takes humility to lead by the Church, many do not want to be sheep and think it’s their job to interpret the pastures. As they wander they no longer resemble sheep but goats.
Jesus left His Apostolic Shepherds in charge, not self shepherding sheep guided by “ what does the bible mean to me “.
17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.

18 And JESUS said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (This explains why the true believers has power to tread on the Apostate, idolater, and demonic Church of Rome.

20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven(heaven? Ephesians 1:3-8).

21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

22 All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal Him.

23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: (Ephesians 1:3-8)

24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.


Well-Known Member
No, the Church Jesus founded has a Holy Spirit guided Apostolic Government that teaches and guides Christ’s flock.

And if he refuses to listen, even to the Church, let him be to you as gentile or tax collector.

Self sufficiency has another name ‘ Pride ‘, it is marked by words like “ I don’t depend “ and “ I don’t need “.
It takes humility to lead by the Church, many do not want to be sheep and think it’s their job to interpret the pastures. As they wander they no longer resemble sheep but goats.
Jesus left His Apostolic Shepherds in charge, not self shepherding sheep guided by “ what does the bible mean to me “.

There you go with your RCC propaganda again.

It is not pride to humble yourself before God and let Him be your guide.

Pride and arrogance is what we see in an organization that thinks they can replace God.

You continue to make your false claims regarding the RCC and by your own words you show just how lost they are.