You are right, abuse is not supposed to be a part of the equation of marriage, but the unfortunate reality is that there is sin in this world and abuse does happen. No it's not right, that's why it's called sin. but the Bible takes into account the sin aspect in a marriage and that is why there are grounds for divorce (Mat 19:10)... fornication. Abuse happens, yes, but it never should happen. It's people who have a warped sense of what being a submissive wife looks like that helps it continue in the world today. Being an equal partner who will not accept that behavior from their spouse would stop a lot of it, but when a spouse becomes a doormat or punching bag, whether emotional or physical....and silently accepts it....then they're tacitly giving the abuser permission to continue.
If you deem a husband who is being an absolute jerk/overly demanding and ordering his wife about as abusive... then yes, I feel she should submit to it. If it is physical abuse, then I believe she has a right for seperation until it is safe for her to return. One potentially endangers her life, the other does not.
No, she absolutely should not submit to her husband being a demanding jerk. She should lovingly point out to him his sin of mistreatment to her after asking God to give her the wisdom and words to speak. There is never any excuse for mistreatment of our spouse in any manner or form. If your husband is being a demanding jerk then it's up to you to help him see the error of his ways.
And you're right, a husband who is abusive is not loving his wife as Christ loved the church, but he'll have to answer to God for that. Just as I feel we as women will have to answer for whether we were submissive to our husbands our not.
Perhaps I have mistaken your meaning, and I apologize if that is the case... but so what if the answer to everyone of those is a big fat NO. You still have to submit to your husband. As it has been pointed out before, a wife submitting to her husband is not contingient upon her husband treating her in a Christ-like manner and vice-versa. If a husband is NOT treating his wife in this manner HE is sinning and is not fulfilling HIS Biblical role. Again, here you are misuing the idea of submission. It's not a physical action, it's a heart action. I can disagree with my husband all day long and still have a submissive attitude. I can be on opposite sides of an issue with him and still have a submissive heart. It's not about "following his orders", never was and that's never what Paul meant when he wrote that passage of scripture.
In a perfect world, the husband would ask his wife for godly advice and councel before making any serious decisions. Since it is not a perfect world, he does not always do things the right way. When he does - we women must be sure to vocally praise him for seeking our input (whether he follows it or not). When he does not - provided the decree issued does not go against God's law, we need to obey our husbands (whether we like it our not). And yes, sometimes this means bowing our heads and following him around like a baby duck after its mama. Wrong. It means calling his attention to his pitiful treatment of you. My husband does not need my "vocal praise" when he asks my opinion. He asks my opinion because he loves and respects me, and because he knows that the few times he hasn't asked me things have usually turned out to be white elephants/disasters. (you should ask him sometime about the white pick-up truck incident) My husband respects my thoughts and opinions. We balance one another out. A marriage is to be a partnership always, never one person doing the leading and one following...we're to walk side by side, arm in arm, a team to battle the foes of evil against marriage and the family. Think of it like this...when you see a SWAT team you'll notice they walk shoulder to shoulder, shields up in front...a TEAM. That's how marriage should be.
While we are all equal as children of God, and will recieve an equal inheritance. We are not given equal authority or responsibility - and we must remember that. 1Ti 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. How many wives have this hanging over their head? I'm sorry, where do you read in scripture that we do not have equal responsibility? Yes, the husband is to be the head of the home...the spiritual leader...never does it say anything about making day to day decisions. YOU are as equally responsibile as he is. Don't be brainwashed by fundamental teachings that you are a lesser partner in your marriage. You are not.
Once again you are right. Wives should be loved and cherished, pampered and cared for... just as husbands should be. The greatest way to get your husband to treat you with respect, is to treat him with respect. The greatest way to get your husband to love and cherish you, is to love and cherish him. Now I'm not advocating that a woman who does not do these things for her husband is asking to be abused. Not at all. Just as I am not saying that a husband has any right to abuse his wife, whether she treats him/submits to him as she should. Treating someone in a specific manner and submitting to him are two different things and they should never be confused. I'm merely saying that sometimes as women we make the husbands job to love and care for us harder than it should be when we do not treat him as God would have us - whether he deserves it or not. This should not be an issue in how our husbands treat us. I am a perfect example of this. There are days I am quite unlovely. I suffer from fibromyalgia and live with near constant pain. There are days the pain gets to me and I become very grouchy and irritable...and my husband says I can be "mean." He loves me more through that because he knows I don't mean to be so grouchy and will often ask if I've taken my meds....I tend to forget...or if I need to get in the jacuzzi...he loves me THROUGH it. His love and care for me is never dependent on my behavior and attitudes. Thank the Lord. Remember, God never commanded us to love our husbands, He already knew that would be a natural thing for us. On the other hand men were commanded to love their wives Eph 5:25 because, honestly, who's natural tendency is it to love in a Christ-like manner?
As for how we could possibly mistreat our spouse... easily done when we begin mistreating God. When our relationship with God breaks down, all other relationships are likely to begin breaking down as well. I agree, it's a horrible thing. God wasn't just making stuff up when He said that two shall become one flesh, and hurting half of yourself eventually takes it toll. For some, sooner rather than later.