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Women Doctors: Would You Have One at Your Hospital Bedside???


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Women Doctors: Would You Have One at Your Hospital Bedside?

Yes, but getting me to the hospital might make me "kick against the goads".



Active Member
There have been so many topics on women, and their roles in this world. Everything from Women as Pastors, to Women Deacons, to Women in Politics. And the result seems to be the same. Women have taken a beating in recent posts, especially when her ambitions bring her out of the kitchen and bedroom, and take in into a theater of employment, or, service/employment and carrers that have been traditionally ruled by men.

So, while my question is PURELY hypothetical, I wanted to ask this question, especially of those men who see the role of women restricted to the home - barefoot, pregnant, raising the kids, making the meals, cleaning the house, and being at the beckon-call of her male counter-part - if they would consider using a female surgeon for, let's say, a life threatening illness, such as, a quadruple heart by-pass.

The thought behind my question is simple. You need this surgery, and she is the only doctor who can do this surgery. She's considered the very best, never lost a patient, and a male doctor is not available at any time, for any cost, in time to operate aand serve you, the patient???

The clock is running, it's your turn to answer this highly hypothetical question.


Pastor Paul :type:
My personal opinion is this. With regard to women I seperate the spiritual from the temporal. The NT is clear on the roles women are to play within the community of believers and interestingly enough it doesn't require them to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Throughout scriptures women have taken roles when men refused.

In our world women are just as competant as men in many skill sets. Some come easier for women than for men just because of biology. So I can't compare the Doctor with the Pastor from another thread. One has clear indication through scripture about ecclesiastical leadership. On the other hand scriptures are silent about the medical occupation. Therefore I don't believe its prohibited.

Now depending on the physical apperance of the doctor and her bedside manner I might make a case that I would prefer a competant attractive woman to perform sugery on me. That way I have the opportunity of looking at an attractive woman while I heal which may give me an incentive to heal more quickly. I heard a Japanese man who had reached 105 years old saying the reason for his long-gevity was that he often looked at attractive women.


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Actually, Jerome, that's a lie. I do not go to a female masseuse. In fact, I very clearly stated that the one time I got a female masseuse because my regular masseuse was out, I left.

Please don't tell lies about other people. It isn't nice. I'd point out that it's also a sin, but that doesn't seem to matter a whole lot here.
Your usual masseuse is not female?
What is she then?
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New Member
Both my husband and me go to the same doctor who is female. We trust her completely and I am personally more comfortable with a woman dr. Her husband stays home with the kids.

Gina B

Active Member
My midwife was a lesbian.

Unless you're going to ask your doctor if they're gay or not, it's just as likely in this day and age that if you're a male and have a male doctor, he's just as likely to enjoy the sight of you in that little gown as a female doctor would.

However, I can't imagine a lot of doctors feeling attracted to patients. We usually see them when we're sick and miserable or have a nasty rash, and for the life of me I sincerely hope that no matter who or what my surgeon is, he/she doesn't make a habit of having romantic thoughts while slicing open my body to remove diseased tissue. Get real people!

If someone has an issue with themselves, good for them for choosing not to tempt themselves. That's the right thing to do.

For those of you that think you're so attractive that you fear a physician will lose mental control over their romantic thoughts while treating your illness, please post a picture of yourself! We'll let you know if you're really that attractive. :tongue3: (chances are, you ain't!)