What about those of us who have no husband? Who is our authority? Should we wear some type of head covering? I do have hair btw :tongue3:
I believe we are all equal in Christ, and that the head covering shows submission to the husband. Since most churches do not weigh too heavy on this, the head covering is abandoned. Others have assumed that the woman's hair is her covering, since it is for her glory (11:15). Yet, the southern churches have all women wear coverings, and those women limit their heads being covered for church and not at all times, which we should be ready for prayer at all times, so shouldn't the head always be covered?
However, I wonder how much of this is in reference to the Jewish customs and the Law. Jewish women cover their heads after marriage, even today. The Law had women shave their heads if caught in adultery, so they would also wear a head covering, thus comparing the uncovered head to the adulteress (11:6). What has changed, though, is the Jewish men's practice of praying with a head covering. Even Jewish boys wore head coverings, and continue this practice today.