Are Catholics Christians? Not likely. Catholicism is a works based religion, as are most religions that the world calls "Christian". Most so-called "Christian" religions think that man can add something(s) to God imputing the elect's sins to Christ and God imputing Christ's righteousness to the elect. They believe that man can add his faith or his repentance or his baptism or his church attendance or his church membership to the finished work of Christ and are not depending on "The Lord our Righteousness" alone for their salvation.
"How do I know I am saved? Many will begin to talk about themselves. Hear this:
1..I am saved because I.....
2..Because you did what?
3..Because I chose, I decided, I got baptized, I attend church, I stopped drinking and smoking, I give my tithes and love offerings, I am getting better by not sinning as I used, I keep more of the Law now than before, I fast at the beginning of every year, I speak in tongues, I grew up in the church, my parents were deacons at our church, I...., I, dedicated my life to Jesus, and every year, I re-dedicate it again.....
4...This is the testimony of one who is still not saved... and yet this what is called the testimony of salvation..There are just too many, I, I, I..
5... Hear me someone, if you are one of these people, you need to repent to the truth.. THE ABOVE IS ALL RELIGIOUS GARBAGE, that means Nothing...
6..The testimony of salvation is not in some choreographed sinners prayer.. There is nothing called a sinner's prayer that one ought to repeat to be saved.
7..The salvation testimony speaks to the blood of Christ, its sufficiency alone to cause one to be declared holy and righteous..
8..True salvation does not ever walk away from the cross...
9..True salvation testimony never conditions salvation on the sinner, but on Christ alone.
10..True salvation speaks of righteousness credited/imputed not earned.......
And this is free." - James Nyahuye Guyo