Hi Rippon
Mr. Lewis made some interesting statements about me.
He said........
“Those who feel they can escape the problem of translations”
I am not escaping anything.
I personally choose, to believe every word of my Bible; Being ready to face every challenge from people who say it has “mistakes”, by saying....“Show them to me”!
Being just a man, with limited knowledge, I have always done the best I could to respond to every charge and always seem to come out with more understanding of God’s Word and faith in God’s Word.
He continues.......
“...retreating into the citadel of the KJV”
I prefer to call it, the citadel of God’s Word.
Next he said.......
“....have a zeal for God that is not in accord with knowledge.”
I have faced this accusation many times before and I always ask, “who’s knowledge am I lacking”? Because if it was Divine knowledge, than the Lord would have quickly let me know about it and I would have repented.
Unfortunately, the source of the knowledge Mr. Lewis is referring to is man’s knowledge. And I fully admit, that I am lacking in man’s knowledge, especially that knowledge that lifts itself above God’s Word.
You see, I see the Bible as being “above” all the petty arguments about translation problems and bad scholarship, because it is a supernatural document(not just a book).
My favorite statement of Mr. Lewis..........
“The need for new translations lies in the inadequacies of the KJV.”
Who on Earth, has the authority or knowledge, to call the KJB inadequate?
As I have said here many times before; For hundreds of years, a lot more Godlier people than we, loved and cherished the KJB and saw it as the infallible Word of God.
Then people in this Spiritually darkened age(the last of the last days), have the audacity to declare that “no translation can be trusted”. Then they go the next step and say that none of the ancient Greek mss’s are correct, and that we need today’s scholars to keep searching for the true word of God within them.
I would laugh at this, if it wasn’t so sad.
Next he talks about orthodoxy..........
“There are no valid reasons for one to declare that it is a mark of orthodoxy to use the KJV as a standard,consulting other translations only for comparisons;and to look with suspicion on the person who calls attention to the shortcomings of the KJV or who has other preferences in his reading.”
Orthodoxy is a funny thing. Because all it means is “approved by man”, and man rarely gets anything right.
When Jesus came he was “Unorthodox”, because the orthodox crowd had it wrong.
In fact, every Old Testament and New Testament preacher, were also considered unorthodox, for the same reason.
Therefore, I am glad, that in today’s Christendom, I am considered unorthodox, because of the faith that I place in God, being able to preserve for me a perfect Bible.