Dude.....how is God working in your life these days?!? I mean that sincerely. Your actions speak volumes....and I know you have a good heart so, when you get irritated by some frail human being, look to your savior for guidence and comfort.
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ummm... what?
Dude.....how is God working in your life these days?!? I mean that sincerely. Your actions speak volumes....angyd I know you have a good heart so, when you get irritated by some frail human being, look
o your savior for guidence and comfort.
RD- Ignore only works if you resist the temptation to sneak a look at what those on the list post. Pay them no thought.
Boz, you don't know exactly what this guys going through in his life.....so tread lightly ....OK!
Believe it or not, I have had no desire to sneak a peek at words that do not reflect the heart of Christ. Thanks for your concern. I am grateful for brothers as you!
We've been at odds in the past but for what it's worth your posting has had more perspective lately and I have been able to successfully engage with you in a less hostile manner than I used to. Keep your head up and I hope for a swift resolution for whatever issues you are currently dealing with.
We've been at odds in the past but for what it's worth your posting has had more perspective lately and I have been able to successfully engage with you in a less hostile manner than I used to. Keep your head up and I hope for a swift resolution for whatever issues you are currently dealing with.
Let me take a moment to thank those of you who have voiced concern as to my well being.
First of all, I am just fine. Yes I do have somethings going on in my life right now ... but it has nothing to do with my mental health as a CERTAIN MEMBER has INAPPROPRIATELY tried to insinuate. Thanks for several folks telling me what he is saying-pure gossip like talk to make me look bad!!! And this is not the first time he's called into question me mental health, and age. Add the reference to me being a racist, among other things. AND you may well understand my recent posture.
This is a common ploy of his to deflect, and I am growing tired of the way this guy judges so many of us; tries to put us down to elevate his spiritual ego; and subtle attempts to provoke and solicit anger, NOT topical debate. I am tired of the accusations leveled at so many of us. Accusations that set him up as god like, while he undercuts the rest of us in the name of holier-than-now righteousness!
So be assured I am fine. Just fed up with the confrontational, bullying attitude of SOME who are now trying to take this board over and run the rest of us off.....
I am willing to fight for the return of Christian civility to the board,
and I ask the rest of you who feel like me to put these ego centered members on ignore, and pray that our mods eventually run these troublemakers of His forum.
This post like so many others reads like a pity party attempt to get folks to sympathize and heap attention upon someone and on anything but genuine attempt to "take the high road".
In the name of Jesus, somebody please explain to him that the more he keeps making these posts about how civil he's become and how I'm on IGNORE, yet he keeps referencing me and attempting to denigrate me for pointing out his and a few other's unChristlike behavior towards anyone who disagrees with their POV,...the more fake and disingenuous he looks. SMH.
So I am fine, just fed up with the confrontational, bullying attitude of SOME
Mmmm... I note a big inconsistency there Dude. It's actually funny. But I will refrain from using any pictorial symbols.I am willing to fight for the return of Christian civility to the board,
And how would you know that unless...Three of the antagonists were the first three to respond to my latest post.
In your case the word ignore must mean pay attention to. "I will ignore you. Do you hear me? I will not read your posts. I promise. Get me a Bible. I want to lay my hand on it and solemnly affirm that I will ignore these three. I won't mention them again. My life is so sweet now that I don't read their posts...Well, I may sneak a peek now and then, but that shouldn't count against my pledge. I know it looks like I have been responding to their posts, but that's just not true."this only goes to show that I chose well in who to ignore!
You know I've asked repeatedly if he was okay and always got some snark response.
But some folks really like attention and tend to make threads announcing that they are leaving and don't leave, or make threads announcing that they are going to post less but post more, or make threads announcing that they have placed people on IGNORE when they are obviously still reading the threads.
And I keep attempting to leave the situation alone because there is OBVIOUSLY some stuff going on and has been for a while.
But a certain person just cannot seem to grasp don't you shouldn't have to extol your own virtue. You shouldn't have to keep expressing to everyone that you've "taken the high road" while continuing to take very thinly veiled shots at those you feel have "shamed" you.
As I've said many times before, I tend to not even speak to much unless folks are treating others like 21st century lepers because of their sin or POV. I don't have anything against him.
I just think people should be genuine.
It's as though some believe we're playing a game and they've got to do and say the things that make them the popular kid in school when it's again obvious that there is NOTHING of conviction in what they are saying. They just say it because it goes with what the majority are saying.
OK so resist the urge to judge, especially if you detect that someone is going over the wall.....and who doesn't now and again?
But if these people are truly saved, really chosen from before the foundation of the world & have been washed in the blood of Christ, then who are you, who am I, who is there that should critique? Better to be sincere & loving than to be critical.....don't you agree?
I don't understand at all this hangup some of you have with judging. We're called of GOD to righteously do so. You can't make a decision about ANYTHING without judging.
Absolutely. But someone going over the edge doesn't mean that folks should step back and just ignore their continued, consistent wickedness.
That's inconsistent with what God says to do.
Some would think that if a person is going through some stuff that it would give them pause to be a more compassionate, Christlike person instead of continuing the same attention garnering, unChristlike behavior that everyone recognizes.
We had a fellow on here a while ago who had some glaring psychological problems that were being treated by the medical profession. However some of these so called Funda_mentalists insisted on judging him for taking the advise of these doctors. His problem they diagnosed was his sinful nature. Get off the drugs, face your sins & repent was their diagnosis.
Well he eventually killed himself.![]()