Gina B--your comment about how a song can deeply touch one person and sail right over the head of another is why I plead all the time for diversity in our music.
I've seen churchs "go all hymn" and more "go all contemporary" without realizing they are cutting off the worship language for some in their congregations.
I also hear frequently from the folks in the "all contemporary" camp that their one complaint is a song is sung while it is on the charts. When it falls off and is replaced they never get to sing it again.
I've read the literature that blended just offends everybody equally, but actually, in ALL the blended churches I've been in, when they truly were blended with an equal mix of old hymns, old gospel songs, older contemporary and whatever is on the radio now, folks loved it. Might not hear their own favorite every week but always looked forward with anticipation for it.
Now our local contemp churches will pick about 4 songs on the charts and do them week after week after week after week until they drop off the charts. Then time to learn 4 more.
Now THAT does offend everybody equally except the musicians.