New Member
Too often disconnected you are jumping to conclusions without support from Scriptures. Using your own words against your post.
You didn't start the quote soon enough:
NASB15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.
I didn't have to start it in v. 16, because I acknowledged them thusly:
So, we're done here. Though you won't admit it, your argument is negated.
And you still can't show me where God actually "spit" the Laodicean church "out of His mouth" and you can't explain why a church He supposedly forsook was given recourse for repentance. And again, we don't know if the church repented or not, but since Jesus says, "Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline," it is likely He did not, especially since, despite your attempt to disqualify the meaning of the word ...Tell me where it says He "spewed them out"? He says He will ... [Emphasis added]
... His threat is not stated in the emphatic, but in the future middle tense. The irony of that is that the middle voice is indicative of an action the subject -- in the case of this passage, the Laodicean church -- takes upon itself. The Greek word translated "will" in v. 16 is the Greek mello which actually does mean the equivalent of the NIV's "I am about to": It means to be on the verge of taking action.The NIV uses what I consider a weaker form of the "I will" and states it as "I am about to." I don't think that translation is as strong nor accurate as what it could be. That is because (IMO) the NIV sacrifices literalness for readability, and in doing so must by default become a weaker translation.
So, we're done here. Though you won't admit it, your argument is negated.