I've heard a few of our older members engage in conversation about one of the other nearby SBC-affiliated churches that recently stopped having Sunday night church services. The conversation was somewhat condescending in that they were being critical of the "spirituality" of that church and their "laziness" in not wanting to meet on Sunday evening. The pastor there happens to be a friend of mine, and in the two years he's been there, their Sunday morning attendance has gone from about 50 mostly older people, to about 200, packing their sanctuary, and last year they baptized about 50 new believers, mostly teenagers and young adults. They run about 90 in Sunday school on Sunday morning, mostly middle aged and older adults. But on Sunday nights, they have a dozen small home groups that meet for worship and Bible study, using the same curriculum as the Sunday school, and they have an additional 120 to 130 involved in discipleship and Bible study as a result. They have about 70 youth who do come to the church on Sunday night for worship and Bible study, and youth group, and they have "Team Kid", which is like AWANA, at the church as well. Parents can drop their kids off for a couple of hours and go to a small group. As far as I know, they don't have anything on Wednesday night.
I don't see anything wrong with that.