I think the question is if you would never again drink ale if so doing would cause a brother to stumble.There is a flip-side to this, which seems to be neglected.
*Romans 14:14,16*
I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean.
So do not let what you regard as good be spoken of as evil.
The one who has little faith is not to speak evil of the one whose faith allows him to do what the other man cannot dare to do.
So, the man of strong faith seeks to care for his brother whose faith is weak, but he also does not bear with one who speaks of his freedom as though it were evil, when it is not evil.
Therefore I do not drink alcohol in the fellowship of a believer for which it causes a stumbling block, but I also do not abide by that weaker brother telling me or other brothers that we are less holy because we enjoy a good draught of ale.
That is how we know of we are glorifying God or merely submitting to the flesh.