Yes, rams are quite stupid. They butt heads despite the presence of the shepherd, not in obedience to the shepherd.
You breathe carbon dioxide all the time. The masks that the public was asked to wear don't restrict the flow of air. The carbon dioxide is ejected mostly out of the sides of the mask, not contained in the mask. As I tested out a LONG time ago, when this claim was first made, a mask does not significantly diminish oxygen levels except in extreme cases. You can test this yourself with an inexpensive oximeter and surgical mask. We all know you won't, but anyone can test for themselves and see that your allegation is false.
Yeah, that's the classic line from mask-resistant crowd. They see everything in terms of their own insecurities. It has NEVER been about being "afraid." It is about looking after the welfare of OTHER people. The simple mask does very little to protect the wearer from getting COVID-19 from someone else, but wearing a mask protects OTHER people from getting COVID because it catches saliva droplets and deflect the breath stream away from other people.
Following the example of Trump, his disciples avoid wearing masks because of their emasculating fear of being seen as something other than a "tough guy"
and modeling Trump's narcissism.
"Don't concern yourself with the bullets I'm firing in your direction."
As a disciple of Jesus, speaking to someone who claims to be a Christian, I am obligated to say something to you about it. Deal with it or put me on ignore so you won't have your conscience pricked.
You're not hearing from a liberal at the moment, you are hearing from a Christian.
How did you survive?
Did they have to call an ambulance or administer oxygen?
N-95s are hard to wear for a long time. Please note that no one has ever asked you to wear an N-95 mask.
I already told you how to conduct the science experiment to test it for yourself. And you are wrong, science and real-world statistics prove the efficacy of masks.