The whole argument of the supreme and final authority rests in the scriptures alone or the argument of when some ask me “to show me where in the Bible this doctrine is. I say, show me where the Bible says I have too. In other words where does the Bible demand that I prove this doctrine from the Bible?
This mindset that arose at the time of the Protestant Reformation is that everything must be proven from the Bible, in fact if you survey the major creedal statements of the Protestant reformers and their disciples in the years immediately after the time of Martin Luther, you'll find that it specifically says in these creedal statements that are produced by the protestant bodies at that time that unless something can be proven from the bible it should not be accepted.
The Bible nowhere makes this claim. The Bible nowhere says that anything must be proven from the Bible and think about this for a minute in order for that claim to be to be rationally coherent, itself, that that claim must be found in the Bible, in other words for somebody to say, I only go by those teachings that are found taught in the pages of the Bible in order for that claim to be coherent inconsistent that claim itself must be demonstrable in the pages of Scripture and it’s not. There is no verse in the Bible taken by itself or in a group of other verses that even begins to hint at the idea that everything must be proven from the Bible.
This mindset that arose at the time of the Protestant Reformation is that everything must be proven from the Bible, in fact if you survey the major creedal statements of the Protestant reformers and their disciples in the years immediately after the time of Martin Luther, you'll find that it specifically says in these creedal statements that are produced by the protestant bodies at that time that unless something can be proven from the bible it should not be accepted.
The Bible nowhere makes this claim. The Bible nowhere says that anything must be proven from the Bible and think about this for a minute in order for that claim to be to be rationally coherent, itself, that that claim must be found in the Bible, in other words for somebody to say, I only go by those teachings that are found taught in the pages of the Bible in order for that claim to be coherent inconsistent that claim itself must be demonstrable in the pages of Scripture and it’s not. There is no verse in the Bible taken by itself or in a group of other verses that even begins to hint at the idea that everything must be proven from the Bible.