Without question...no.
JonC, you got me to thinking in the other thread with your above statement. A lot of evangelicals cast votes for Mitt Romney and said the fact that he was a Mormon didn't mean anything in terms of being President because we are not a theocracy, etc.
The difference between Romney and a Muslim is doctrinal and a primary distinctive being the root goal of Islam is domination of the world.
The Office of President should not fall into the hands of one whose views have this as a goal.
The worst Romney can be charged with is serious failure to actually study the Word of God, which can also be charged to the Muslim.
So I wonder if the same people would vote for a Muslim for President of the US? If no, why not?
Same reason I would not vote for a pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-special rights advocate.
The President is the highest office of Law Enforcement Officer in the country. In Romney's career we did not see an attempt to Mormonize the Country, but we do not see the cause of world domination in Mormons.
Again, it is a doctrinal issue. If this Muslim candidate were a nominal Muslim, like Obama is a nominal religionist obviously sympathetic to Islam, what would still be a cause for concern is...Islamic Doctrine.
Muslims are against abortion.
How so? Because they kill the unborn in the mother's womb by killing the mother too? Does this mean we pat abortionists on the back for not killing people who fail to submit to Islam? We wouldn't do that any more than we would pat a so-called "pro-life" advocate who bombs abortion clinics.
How many children were never even conceived due to Islamic Doctrine?
Muslims are against homosexual marriage.
And as with the example of abortion clinic bombings...they put homosexuals to death.
An irony in the election of Obama is that despite the fact he is sympathetic to Islam, and a preacher of Tolerance, many homosexuals voted for a man who has emboldened Radical Islam that is not tolerant of homosexuals, but puts then to death.
Muslims, unlike Romney, are also against Christian Marriage, and any other kind of marriage that does not involve faithful Muslims.
And that is because of their Doctrine, which they get through "holy writings" which take precedence over the Bible, come into direct opposition with the teachings of the Bible, and diminish the Person of Christ.
And that the religion of Romney is also guilty of this, the fact remains that (1) it is a worldly Office, and (2) we do not see Mormons murdering people on a regular basis because they are not Mormons (any more, lol). The reason for that is due to the Rule of the Law of this Country, which can be traced to the Law of God. If Mormons began carrying out the efforts that Muslims carry out, they would be, like Radical Islam, be considered a threat to the security of this Nation.
But they are not...that's the difference.
In fact, Islam, in general is ultra-conservative when compared to the things most conservatives believe.
Don't know where you get your information from, but the facts are clear that the higher the Muslim population, the higher the violence of any nation. Those predominately Muslim hold no tolerance for infidels, who are put to death
according to their Law. Those nations such as France with a more moderate, though still high number of Muslims experience riots like those we see, the difference being...it is not a religious motivation.
Just not sure how you come up with "ultra-conservative" out of people, who if they follow the teachings of their prophet, are murderers and use murder to coerce submission to their religion.
So if a Muslim candidate somehow became the GOP nominee, would you vote for him/her?
You have a lot of false and misleading premise in your arguments.
This is like asking "Would you vote for a Nazi if he were to become a candidate."
The ludicrous nature of the question makes it as such that the question, if asked, causes us to question...why?
But we know why, don't we, Zaac.
Tell me, where do your sympathies lie in regards to Islam? Would you vote for a devout Muslim? Something tells me you would, but you would have to answer that question for me.
God bless.