I would not vote for a Muslim candidate for president. Islam is a religion that has, as its goal, world domination, through force if necessary. Christianity has, as its goal, world conversion, through faith. A Muslim president would be faced with fighting against Islamic terrorism. That very fact would be counter-intuitive for a Muslim president.
It could be said that Christianity has as a goal "world conversion," but we understand the "many/few" principle which makes it clear that the entire world will not be converted, and that even among believers there will be those who are not genuine believers.
The radical difference we see in Islam is that their mentality is, contrary to our views, one which believes that through force men can be "converted."
And this is true. In Islam one can be forced to convert, but in Christianity only God can bring that about.
The idea of a Muslim President is less frightening than the reality of a President that is actually emboldening and empowering Islam through deceptive practice, mainly...by claiming to be a Christian. Those who, like him, profess belief in Christ will likely adopt his tolerance and corrupt a proper view of Christianity...even as he has.
At least with one being honest about being a Muslim, we would know where he stands.
God bless.