I must say that personally, throughout my schooling there were far more women teachers than men.
It never particularly bothered me, unless I had a crush on them...
But then these were not elders in a church, nor preachers/teachers in the assembly.
HOWEVER, perhaps women teachers over a class with men in an educational system that is beholding to a local assembly (like Hyles Anderson college) is a violation of Scriptures.
The thinking going along the lines of that women were then to be subservient to the scriptures dealing with both the authority and the leadership of women as relating to the members of that local assembly. It would have to be shown by Scriptures that women were actually authoritative to be teachers over men - an not just women.
Could a woman teach men from another local assembly? probably not a violation.
Could a woman teach a man from the same assembly in which she belongs? Nope.
Can a married woman teach her husband in the same assembly in which she belongs? Nope - only at home.
Look at a practical application and perhaps a violation of Scriptures dealing with SBC schools.
Because the SBC schools are under the authority of the convention folks, and the convention leadership is supposedly under the authority of the state folks, who are supposedly under the authority of the regeional folks, who are supposedly under the authority of the local assembly pastors and local assembly delegates in which the congregations sit as the final authorities, then it follows that no woman should be teaching men in the SBC schools.
Hope this stirs up enough controversy.