At this time, the lifting of the ban is just that: The lifting of the ban on gays. However, the way I understand it, individual units in the organization can still decline to allow gay members and leaders in their chartered units [see attached article for more info on this policy]. many sponsoring churches will drop their affiliation with the scouts and no longer have troops or packs at their facilities for two reasons:
1) The moral issue of gays being allowed to participate as scouts as well as leaders, which is not in line with the church and their Biblical world view of homosexuality?
2) The possibility of lawsuits when kids are molested [and they will be molested]. I would think both the scouts, and the sponsor will be named in future suits, and this along with the moral Biblical issues will cause churches and religious groups to refrain from sponsoring scouting units.
I also have to wonder how the Mormon church is going to deal with this. They are supposedly anti-gay, and Boy Scouts is their official youth program, however, the following article is a little eye-opening in light of all that's been going on within often the secretive Mormon church.
SEE: many sponsoring churches will drop their affiliation with the scouts and no longer have troops or packs at their facilities for two reasons:
1) The moral issue of gays being allowed to participate as scouts as well as leaders, which is not in line with the church and their Biblical world view of homosexuality?
2) The possibility of lawsuits when kids are molested [and they will be molested]. I would think both the scouts, and the sponsor will be named in future suits, and this along with the moral Biblical issues will cause churches and religious groups to refrain from sponsoring scouting units.
I also have to wonder how the Mormon church is going to deal with this. They are supposedly anti-gay, and Boy Scouts is their official youth program, however, the following article is a little eye-opening in light of all that's been going on within often the secretive Mormon church.