Here is one of mine which I have referred to recently on this board (lyrics only; I don't know how to post music).
From the land that we come we were counted among the wise.
We spent most all of our nights gazing high up into the skies.
But never had we seen before
This light untold in all our lore.
But we knew of a scroll we consulted which turned our eyes.
In Judah, a land to the west over deserts far,
It's prophesied that one day from there will rise a wondrous star--
The nation blest from Israel's heart,
From which the scepter won't depart;
All souls disaffected to this King connected they are.
We travel long and beladen with gifts that are fit for a king.
We journey far to the west toward the Great One, his praise to bring.
We come just once in our quest for the Keeper of Peace,
Who will reign so that conflict within us will cease.
To the God of us all, may we ever his praises sing!
Many months did we spend on our trip through the arid land.
The star disappeared, but to Judah we came, as planned.
We first went up to Herod's palace;
He was polite, but sly and callous.
O'er Bethlehem, south, then the star reappeared so grand!
We found the child in a house which the star pointed out with light.
We gave our gifts, and the child and his mother did smile so bright!
(But) as we left that town of peaceful gleam,
The Great God warned us in a dream:
King Herod avoid, for your word has enraged his spite!
Now homeword we go, and as witnesses we will share
The story of Bethlehem and the King we acknowledged there.
We pray our journey of worship, of gifts, and of peace
Will affirm this new Kingdom and all its increase!
And Jesus the King is a name we will gladly bear!
Chorus (var.)
We traveled long and beladen with gifts that are fit for a king.
We journeyed far to the west toward the Great One, his praise to bring.
We went just once in our quest for the Keeper of Peace,
Who now reigns so that conflict within us will cease.
To the God of us all, may we ever his praises sing!
To the God of us all, may we ever his praises sing!
© by (poster)