Wow, was that revealed to you in a vision? By revelation?
Reading Hitler's early history, one can see he was not exactly the brightest bulb in the chandelier as a youngster. And many of the notions he held, such as anti-Semitism, were not unique, & were also held by thousands of other Austrians, as well as tens of thousands of Germans.
His bravery in WW1 can't be denied. He actually earned his Iron Cross for his bravery in performing one of WW1's most-dangerous jobs, a messenger, in pre-radio days.. They had to frequently cross enemy territory in performance of their duties, & soldiers on both sides watched for the other side's messengers, to shoot them & read the enemy's messages.
At the end of the war, Hitler was one of a few who got to remain in the Reichswehr, as a civilian spy, along with his immediate superior, Sgt. Max Amann. it was then that Hitler suddenly acquired the talent to "speak"; he noticed that, in his barracks, if he went on a tirade against such perceived evils as the "November criminals" who'd surrendered Germany to the Allies, his audience sat transfixed.
His job in the military was to investigate the numerous little political parties that'd arisen at war's end, for subversive activity. Sgt. Amann sent him to investigate & attend a meeting of one such small party, called the "German Workers' Party" that was held in a beer hall During the meeting, one speaker rose to speak against the unification of Germany & Austria, an adea Hitler was fervently in favor of. Hitler rose & scathingly blasted everything that speaker said, captivating everyone in that beer hall, who at once looked up at him for leadership. The rest is history, of course. Hitler went from "nobody" to big kahoona in 13 years. He was not smart enough nor talented enough to have done this on his own.