No. That's a stupid question.
No, that's a stupid question.
What "evil" specifically?...
You have no concept of "good" and "evil" as far as I can tell, please be specific.
No, that's why we never expanded NATO.
Ukraine is not a NATO nation.
Please then expose where the NATO nations lied to Russia.
I'm waiting for facts now:
It still is, also, Ukraine is not a part of it,
It did, thanks to NATO....but, Putin is quite unaware of that, and wants to re-ignite the ancient ways.
He wants a new "Soviet Union". That's who he is.
Please tell us, what specific resources and in specific amounts the "deep State" plundered Russia:
What, specifically was taken, In what amounts, and please show sources for your accussation.
The Ukrainian puppet government friendly to Russia was overthrown, that's true.
There are, and have been, competing interests for a long time there.
Can you tell me:
Which government, the one then and the one now more friendly to NATO and less cozy with Russia is more legitimate and why?
Please answer and be specific................
No one needed Russia's insight on this point.
There were no NATO missiles on the borders.
forcibly removed locals in order to import a Russian majority in contested regions (such as in Crimea).
forcibly removed Magyars, Ukrainians etc. and intentionally and placed Russian natives in the region in order to artificially create a Russian majority........
They committed numerous atrocities in order to accomplish this:
That way, they could then claim they were protecting "ethnic Russians" when they invaded Crimea and Ukraine....
They were
TECHNICALLY correct.......There were numerous ethnic Russians there:
Please tell me: Why are you o.k. with Russia's campaign of ethnic cleansing?
It was a shell-game no one was stupid enough to fall for.
Well....some people fell for it:

You seem to have swallowed Putin's Kool-Aid there.
Most people, don't take him seriously on that account....You do, obviously....and that's clearly because you are, um, smart.
Russia's campaign of ethnic cleansing (in order to create a Russian populace there) was obvious to EVERYONE...
Except, well, some people, who are totally unaware of it.
O.K. genius......
Let me remind you what I've
I am not a fan of the U.S. involvement in Ukraine.
I've already said this before.
I do take issue with your inability to separate the Ukraine from Taiwan.
They are separate issues.
I have, that's why I think you are absurd.
There are not two sides to that story........
There are almost NEVER "Both sides" of the story, specifically on foreign-relations matters.
There are several, and many of which you have no concept of.
Neither do I.
Neither you, nor I, are experts on this subject matter.
BOTH of us, are complete non-experts on this subject:
I'm not stupid enough to think I am.
You.......ummm..... think that you are.
I'll do that.
I want one thing in return:
If you do me the return favour of not simply following whatever the trailer-park-dwelling Meth-heads think.