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Acts 15:11
But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they.”
Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace.
The remnant of jews, the election of grace, are saved no different than from the gentiles who are saved through grace, they too are of the election of the same grace !
Now those of us who reject the Truth of unconditional election, that God has chosen only a portion out of mankind for grace and glory, and hath purposely decreed from all eternity that the rest shall be hardened and damned in their sins for the Glory of His Justice, the Elect being the Election of Grace, let it be known here and now, we reject Salvation by Grace through Faith ! There is no way around it or any other way to put it, it cannot be watered down or rationalized away ! Now any of us rejecting the revealed will of God, in how He saves certain sinners, you have no other hope ! If one says this is hyper calvinism, that is fine, but you still have rejected salvation by grace, and therefore for all intents and purposes without hope !
But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they.”
Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace.
The remnant of jews, the election of grace, are saved no different than from the gentiles who are saved through grace, they too are of the election of the same grace !
Now those of us who reject the Truth of unconditional election, that God has chosen only a portion out of mankind for grace and glory, and hath purposely decreed from all eternity that the rest shall be hardened and damned in their sins for the Glory of His Justice, the Elect being the Election of Grace, let it be known here and now, we reject Salvation by Grace through Faith ! There is no way around it or any other way to put it, it cannot be watered down or rationalized away ! Now any of us rejecting the revealed will of God, in how He saves certain sinners, you have no other hope ! If one says this is hyper calvinism, that is fine, but you still have rejected salvation by grace, and therefore for all intents and purposes without hope !