But even in an atheistic worldview in which the universe exists without God, natural law would still exist, and therefore objective morality.
Natural law as being somehow a given, without an Intelligent Law Giver as the Source of it is one thing, but I am struck by these who say that they are Atheists, when they are operating under the necessity of making another assumption.
That assumption that is also somehow automatically assumed to be able to granted for their arguments is the existence of the Foundation of Reason.
The Foundation of Reason being maintained continually as a constant component in their depiction of reality is a requirement for being able to say anything, in order for it to keep it's intended meaning and not capriciously morph into something else, haphazardly.
1+1=2, yesterday and today and 1+1=2, tomorrow, because there is a rock solid continual force in reality of the Foundation of Reason having been lain down and established, to start with.
Other nothing could even begin to be 'reasoned out' and proposed to be true, because the next day it would not be the same equivalent reasoning it was before.
All the axioms would have adjusted and shifted into some other arguments that have changed, simple under the variations caused by there being a mutable framework in which they are being attempted to be built that would pull the rug out from under any attempt at thinking, or logic, or talking at all.
Nothing would be able to mean anything tomorrow that was intended today because 1+1=2 had changed into 1+1=14, and all the efforts made toward 'reasoning' would have collapsed upon themselves, out of anyone's control.
So, the Foundation of Reason, as a proof of the existence of an Intelligent Creator and Sustainer of it, is assumedly 'just there', simultaneously with that same Intelligent Creator and Sustainer essential for the possibility of it being an established fact, being said to be non-existent.
It does not follow, specifically because there is a Foundation of Reason that exists and they have to consent to admitting that it does.
Then, even though there is a Foundation of Reason that remains constantly from one day to the next, we need to understand that the Atheist's reasoning that can then take place, is done so by using their own ability of intelligence utilizing the limited capacity of a mind that has been effected by the curse of the fall and is presently alienated from the Mind and dead to the Spirit of God, Who is Spirit, with which they can not fundamentally relate, on the same playing field.
They simply don't get it, because they can't get it.
“The OP seems to declare "natural law" as an objective law, yet nature cannot exist without God.”
Based on the logic resulting from there being an initial Foundation of Reason.
Yes, but it doesn't matter what the unbeliever's worldview is - the FACT is that God does exist and he created morality and order.
The Atheist's worldview is not said by God to actually believe that God does not exist, but God says only that, "the fool HAS SAID IN THEIR HEART that there is no God".
They just say it. That doesn't tell us whether they also do not 'believe' like the devil's do in God, or not. Since, God says He has revealed Himself and the Power of His Godhead to all men that they might be without excuse, my guess is that they are lying to themselves and me, if they do pretend not to 'believe' there is a God.
They are just saying that and using God's morality and order established by the natural law and Foundation of Reason, in order to make their say-so, immorally at that.
Whether the unbeliever recognizes God or not is irrelevant.
Yes, unless we're really talking about going just plum crazy about all of it and 'reasoning' that the life we are in and living, and walking and talking, came from a rock, etc. Which, of course they do. But, that is all crazy, because as you said, 'believing' or saying there is no God is irrelevant to God, as their Creator, for God's sake.
The cosmological argument, ex nihilo, nihilo fit (out of nothing, nothing can come), logically points to no laws existing, nothing existing, and therefore no objective morality.
Right. Unless, you make a gratuitous and probably clandestine allowance that they do exist just long enough to pretend to invent some scheme of objective morality or some such and then to fold them back up in their wallet and put them away in their pocket (along with the existence of God as being necessary for those laws being established to start with.)
It is a qualified proposal, similar to, "there is no such thing as Absolute Truth, except that there is no such thing as Absolute Truth".
Qualifying itself right out from under itself, just to propose a very demonic lie.
The devil is tricky.
Such processes depend on consistent laws.
Ahhhh, like 'what goes around comes around', or the two cause and effect aspects of "you reap what you sow'?
Those are proofs of the existence of God.
So, saying that the process of stating there is no God is dependant on God Inventing and Sustaining consistent laws is kind of dropping a bomb, IMHO.
Atheists and Christians will disagree over WHY a natural law exists. But they will agree THAT a natural law exists
I'd like to see WHY an Atheist says natural law exists. I think. Maybe I wouldn't.
It's probably like an Armenian trying to explain why they have no systematic Doctrines of Works.
They just say 'it all works out' by itself in our head and we don't have any more evidence for it than that that we could possibly put in writing that would make sense to anyone else. Finis.
And that natural law is sufficient to ground objective moral values.
The natural law is what morality is and any attempt to ground a moral value opposed to their witness in the soul and upon the conscious and call it a new impartial criteria of morality, only produces Immortality, as any objective moral value.
But there is objective reality.
Yes, there is, 37. A genuine given that can't be mocked. Because God is and God will not be mocked.
There is no objective truth w/o God
The only such thing as Absolute Truth is the Absolute Truths of God.
Thank you, Marooncat79.