You might be familiar with Jeff Foxworthy's hilarious comedy routine, "you might be a redneck if..."
Well here I submit some warning signs that I believe indicate you are in the wrong church. I'm not going to list the basics like virgin birth, inspiration of Scripture, the literal resurrection, etc. since I think it is obvious. I invite you to add to the list.
Any church that refrains from using the phrase "the blood of Jesus" because they don't want to offend people.
Any church that uses the phrase "disease of the soul", "moral failings", or "mistakes", instead of sin, or sinners.
Any church that doesn't preach repentance, or use the word repent.
Any church that doesn't preach on the second coming.
Any church that uses a euphemism for Hell instead of calling it Hell.
Any church that says the mode of baptism isn't important. (Hey, I'm a Baptist!)
Any church that never has an invitation or altar call. Or won't even do, "heads bowed and eyes closed, slip your hand up if you want prayer."
Any church that shies away from the phrase "born again" or "saved".
Any church that uses books and study guides instead of the Bible for sermons, instruction, or discussions.
Any church that says "there are people that God has saved that haven't heard the gospel yet."
Any church that has a musical, play, concert, movie, or drama at Christmas and/or Easter instead of a sermon. (Note I said instead)
Any church that does not display the cross.
Any church that has an abundance of American flags on display.
Any church that has multiple appeals for money (in addition to the regular offering, they also have the mission fund, the bus ministry fund, the parsonage fund, the new building fund, the Christian school fund, etc.)
Any church that insists you must be a member of their church or you can't take communion with them.
Any church that allows fornication or homosexuality by its members and/or doesn't condemn this activity.
I think that's a good start. Anyone else have some items?