Here is our list so far, for those who will put it in this week's bulletin.../
You must be a Baptist if:
1. if you believe you are supposed to take a covered dish to Heaven with you!
2. You can sing every verse to 'Just As I Am' without even looking at the hymnal.
3. You waste all your yearly annual leave
4. on RAIN DAYS just to avoid getting sprinkled
5. If Lottie Moon is a name used a lot in your church this time of the year.
6. If you thought Lottie was a member of your church
7. if you try to figure out what you can use as a substitute for 'wine' in gormet recipes!
8. If your Bible is red but not read.
9. If you know the difference between a demon and a deacon (if you resist the devil, he will flee, if you resist a deacon, he'll cut your throat).
10. if you are on the committee to form a committee to study a committee on committees.
11. if there is a fight for the back row of pews.
12. if you disagree with the person on your right AND left on the pew. And one of them is your wife
13. if you constantly have chicken grease on your hands!?!
14. if your church draws a "crowd" rather than a congregation.
15. if Five out of four members of your congegration have major problems with fractions
16. if your preacher can’t count, and always estimates 25% high
17. if you believe that you cannot do things differently, because it has never been done this way before....
18. if the phrase "the church I used to go to" often comes up in conversation
19. if you are never wrong, it is just that sometimes you are less right than you thought you were.
20. if you yell "amen" at a Town Meeting
21. if you call the mailman "Brother" and you don't even know him!
22. if you hug several ladies and your wife does not even mind
23. if you're saved and you know it. (But you're not too sure about those Presbyterians.)
24. If you think "Robert's Rules of Order" is the 67th book of the canon.
25. If you think a motion, second, discussion, and vote must precede the Rapture...