Theology. What we believe about God is preeminent in this. The consistent naturalist is agnostic at best. He says that God if He exist cannot be cited as the cause for anything we see in the natural world.Originally posted by Charles Meadows:
But you have Charles. The field that you cite to classify and interpret Genesis as epic literature or ancient mythology is a field of science.
You keep bringing theology into this.
Theology is the single most important thing in this.... and truth is not inconsistent with itself. God either did and there are ways to explain the evidence according that assumption or He didn't. Either God has the ability to truthfully, clearly communicate Himself or He doesn't. Some prophecies are shrouded in the mysteries of symbolism. Genesis 1-11 contain prophecies but that isn't the primary design.
Is Lucy "junk science"? Respectable naturalists have disputed claims about where she fits in the spectrum.My only argument is against those put forth what I consider to be junk science.
Is radiocarbon dating "junk science"? It is based on circular reasoning and if expected results aren't achieved new samples are tested until they are.
How about abiogenesis?
Why didn't Nebraska man or other evolutionists frauds and deceit create the prejudice you have toward ICR for (at worst) being sincerely wrong.
That's fine. Why can't you accept the reverse just as readily?You point out that there have been flaws demonstrated in the evolutionary scheme. No argument there. But that does not mean all of the old earth theory has been refuted. Nor does it mean by any stretch that the YEC stance is validated.
And that is surprising to you in light of scripture? Believers have always faced "Universal contempt" from the wise of this world. You respect the opinions of men who start from the premise that God, if He exists, had nothing to do with creation over men who say He had everything to do with creation?But I look around the scientific community at the opinion of creation science... Universal contempt.
Correction. All professors on every side of this issue are biased from the start. Some change their biases. Some do not. All of us are socialized and indoctrinated. We accept a paradigm and most often resist changes to it.Now granted many professors are biased from the start.
OTOH, I used to respect these same opinions. I used to seek ways to reconcile scripture to the wisdom of modern scientists. I wove a tangled web in an effort to make it all fit together... then I took a step back and asked, "What exactly did God say?"
The problem I have with that is that they don't turn the light of that bias onto their own beliefs. They seem, like Craig, to be offended that anyone would differ with them for any reason.But I think some of that bias reflects a perception (which I share) that many creation scientists are being less than honest and are grasping at straws.
I believe that some creationists arguments are stretched. I have found a few that I thought were actually dishonest. But the same can be said in much greater volume about evolutionists. "Proofs" for evolution contain more assumptions than data. For instance, there is no empirical data to support the idea that species have been evolving upward into greater complexity. But that assumption dominates every portrayal of data evolutionists perform.
There is nothing wrong with that period. There is something terribly wrong however with seeing scripture through the lens of naturalism.I think you and many others are conditioned to see science through the lens of scripture. There's nothing wrong with that per se.
It isn't honest to remain within the naturalist scheme. It discounts for no reason whatsoever a whole group of possible truths.But I still think that within the naturalist scheme we should be honest.
Nope. Some scientists interpret the data to say the earth is old. Like I mentioned earlier, if even one YE proof has merit or cannot be disproven then OE collapses.Science says the earth is old.
I consider scripture "fact". But beyond that, I believe I am being honest about the evidence. There are many ways to interpret data from natural history. None of the data is ever complete. It always requires assumptions and presuppositions.You can trump that with the Bible if you want - but just honest about the facts.
I have no problem saying that evolutionists generate valid possibilities. However, I wholly reject the idea that naturalism should ever limit the alternatives the way evolutionists demand it does.
Quite frankly, I believe that there are many possibilities that are excluded even within the scope of naturalism. Evolutionists limit possibilities to only those that will support a uniformly naturalistic framework like evolution. Even naturalistic explanations of data are discarded if they undermine the overall assumption of an old earth or biological evolution rather than design.
I don't consider myself a scientist. But I am an acute observer of the way people prove things and construct their reasoning. I cannot trust evolutionists until they are honest enough to question naturalism and listen to possibilities outside of naturalism.
The ID debate makes me trust elite academia even less. If truth is on their side, they should welcome an honest comparison of the ideas. They are fighting it tooth and nail... and for very good reason.
ID attacks the foundational assumptions of evolution and that is heresy to someone who has been indoctrinated to believe that science=naturalism.