Jim1999 said:
I took part in the civil rights movement too, but I knew the risks. I didn't foolishly confront white folks in the South, their territory. My job was to get Blacks to register for the vote.
Sometimes one must use the common sense God enabled us with.
If you wish to confront people that is your choice. I will confront people one on one, but not a drunk....that would be foolish. That would be lke stopping a bank robber in his tracks and preaching the gospel to him!!!!!
You are making some very poor assumptions here Jim.
First, they were not 'confronting' anyone nor where they being 'confrontational' by a negitive means. They were there to pray for these people. If this is foolish then may all who call themselves believers become such fools as these.
They did use common sense not to mention love because they were doing just what God had asked of them for those who live in sin even inspite of political correctness or worldly views (not specifically talking about you here but of general views). Again they were NOT being confrontational they were praying.
I give great praise to God for those who will go out into the world both praying and proclaiming as our Lord commanded over those who sit back and hopefully wait for an opportunity to poosibly come. It is a pity when truth, obedience, and love must take a back seat to ... anything that keeps us from being there. And I'm not talking about standing in someones face screaming but being there praying and speaking to those who desire to talk.
BTW - I don't believe we are called to hide away and pray so no one but other beleivers (if they get that lucky) to see us praying for the lost or even each other.